Menopause at36

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Hi everyone

I am feeling very upset at the moment after having blood tests last Friday and getting the results back on Monday which has confirmed post menopause state. I am only 36 and have not yet had any children I am devastated.

any advice support would be great right about now.

sharon x

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello sharon. Sending you big hugs. How devastating for you. I'm sure someone on this forum will have experienced this and will be able to advise you. Did your doctor have any advice? I know it's a silly question but if he's Gynae trained he may have some knowledge.
    • Posted

      Hi matron thank you, I am devastated but will have to get my head around it or it will eat me up.

      i didn't get any advice really mentioned so,e ,eds but recommended if I didn't need them to ease the symptoms then not to take them, mentioned counselling and anti depressants x


  • Posted

    Hi Sharon 

    I know what you are going through but you are really young to be in post menopause I just found out yesterday that I am in post menopause through my blood test I got back and I'm 46. Its a good thing that I don't want to have kids. 

    I'm sorry you are going through this at a young age, it frusterating with all the symptoms that come with this. 

    I hope you feel better.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your relply Susan and sorry that you are also in the same position as me.

      i am deffinately in that state I can't believe it I am far to young x

    • Posted

      Tell me about it. I feel that 46 is to young too, but it does say it can happen at any age, at least thats what I have read, and also if you haven't had babies it can happen early too. 

      Big hugs for you.razz Just stay happy keep thinking positive we are all in the same boat here where it can happen at any age with us women.

    • Posted

      You are far to young to be in menopause at 36, and you have a right to cry, about it because it is upsetting for someone in there 30s to go through this when they were set on having kids. 

      I'm so sorry you are going through this at 36 and I feel for you. Just try to stay positive you never know maybe your period will come back but you never know. I will keep you in my prayers. Things will work out. 

  • Posted

    Hello Sharon,

    a friend of my daughter's is in the sme position as you but she found out at 30 (it was due to a hereditary condition) however she found a doctor (I'm not sure if he was a French doctor or a Belgian one, we live in France) and he's had succes with young post menopausal women with an in vitro fertility treatment. Anyway she's going down this route now. Don't despair, there are lots of doctors working in this field it might not be as final as you think. 

  • Posted

    Dear Sharon,

    I am so sorry to hear this, but I have to tell you exactly one year ago, I had bloodwork done and the GYN told me I was post-menopause as well. I am 56 so I wasn't so surprised to hear it, even though it had only been 3-4 mths without a cycle. Mind you, I had quite a few symptoms to support the thought process, except I had not gone a full year without a cycle.

    Ehhh.mmm...imagine my surprise when April came around and my cycles started back up and then quit in October only to return in December. I had an Ultrasound done and had my original GYN explain to me how someone else could declare me Post Menopause by blood work. Point is, they can't really. Not sure what all is happening with  you, but even at my age, there is enough estrogen still cycling that my sensible (not the other GYN that jumped the gun on assessing my status) GYN insists that we use precautions-as believe me, at 56 and my husband being 61, we are not interested in having children at this point.

    Please get another opinion. 

    Sending you big hugs from across the pond! 

    Annie xxxx

  • Posted

    Hello Sharon.

    I am giving you a big hug at this point.

    I am so sorry to hear about this and at a young age to. I am 49 and have very slight symptoms of this state of age. My advice would be to look after yourself and if you are not managing to get your head in a good place. Please go if you can and talk to someone out there.

    Take care and say hello or talk anytime x


  • Posted

    Hi Sharon, I had a friend that happened to her and she was also understandably devastated.  She was also around your age or maybe a bit older. She tried IVF and it failed.  She now has two beautiful adopted children and seems happy.  Not sure if this helps you at all....but maybe just to show there can be a happy ending to a painful situation.  I am very sorry this has happened to you.  You will get lots of support on here.  It is a lovely forum.  Margaret.XXX
  • Posted

    Oh Sharon!  My heart is heavy for you. I was diagnosed with endometriosis as a newlywed 27 years ago.  The outlook for children was very slim then.  I am sorry for your feelings of heavy sorrow and going through this pain.  Please have a good cry or two.   Then find yourself a good infertility specialist (if you have not already) and see if you may possibly have viable eggs.  Also get yourself some hormone therapy to carry you through this.  You are too young to go without hormones.  
  • Posted

    Oh I am so sorry! That's dreadful. But you know I have heard of crazy scenarios where women have thought they were done with their periods only to have a revival of it out of nowhere. Anything is possible! Don't give up. Hugs to you, dear.


  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for your kind words I just need to get my head around this news is just such a shock then think about adoption maybe as doctor has told me it would be very difficult to have a normal pregnancy due to my hormone levels.

    sharon x

  • Posted

    Hi Sharon, so sorry to hear your news. Jus wanted to add that my friend had a very early menopause but 10 years later has just had a baby girl. She had lots of hormone therapies and IVF type treatments. Theres apparently a clinic in Spain doing amazing things. Dont be fobbed off by the first doc you speak to. 

    On the other hand, theres plently of us who dont have children and live a rich and fulfilled life. At the moment, take comfort wherever you can and be kind to yourself. X

  • Posted

    Remember sharon we are all here for you if you ever need us. Take care. Sending lots of hugs

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