Menopause blodd test results
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Back in August I had a blood test to see if I had started menopause or yet. Never went back to the GP to have the results interpreted.
FSH 2.9
LH 4.2
I am almost 51 , no sypmtoms really, i feel hooter than I use to be but apart from that nothing.
Because Iave a contraceptive implant my periods stopped over 10 years ago,
I would be grateful if anyone know what these results mean for me.
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Guest londoniese
Hello, your fsh is low which means your ovaries are in good are mine from last year...anything over 10 and ovaries are on their way out...I was only 40 when these were done! I had just gone off bcp when the first one was taken. Just went back on as my symptoms were horrible off of it!
Standard Range
DATES: 7/7/17...8/18/17...10/5/17...10/26/17
FSH Reflex
RESULTS: 35.00....21.88...10.57....19.66
Mid-follicular 3.85-8.78 mIU/mL
Mid-cycle peak 4.53-22.51 mIU/mL
Mid-luteal 1.79-5.12 mIU/mL
Post-menopausal 16.74-113.59 mIU/mL
londoniese Guest
Thanks for your reply, is it normal that the results are so low and I am almost 51?
evi75119 londoniese
I agree with Lou, high levels of fsh lh along with low estradiol levels indicate menopause levels,
Although, in this forum I ha ve read about women with extremely low numbers..especially low LH means absence of LH surge and ovulation
evi75119 Guest
Hello my friend Lou, what are you doing?
If you do not mind my asking which were your estradiol levels during this time?
We have similar results and my estradiol on day 3 was extremely low.
On Monday I did my surgery and now I am home trying to survive from this hell.
Guest londoniese
IDK...maybe you are super fertile! Some women have babies in their 50s...thinking they cannot! Also, you are on a it feeding you a steady flow of hormones to keep you in balance..?..hence your not too troublesome symptoms. normally, it depends on when exactly in your cycle you were tested...but, you do not do not ovulate because of the that can be tricky to determine.
, not sure what implant you have, I have always taken oral BC. Did the dr mention removing it, waiting a couple of months, then testing you? usually, we go by 12 months, no period along with FSH test to determine meno. but not if you are on a could essentially be in menopause and not know it...then be FSH test would be more accurate.
Guest evi75119
Hi Evi! I am 11 on BCP...cautiously optomistic, so to speak! I am glad your surgery is over with! I am so sorry you are in the dumps now. All I can offer is a hug from afar and please hang in there. Too bad we could not all be in a room together to vent, chat and laugh. But, I guess this forum is the next best thing...
here are my results! Spiking all over the place, no wonder I feel like crap under a dead skunk! I have had practically zero estrogen on some tests these show less than(<) 20. get the picture! Mind you, I originally went off BCP in levels 4 months later and since were a mess!
DATES: 7/7/17....8/18/17....10/5/17
DATE: 8/18/17
DATE: 8/18/17...10/5/17...10/26/17
RESULTS: 3.76...3.93....4.39
Guest evi75119
These are from the naturopath I went to in Feb...8 months pill free! look at the huge spike in estrogen that time!
evi75119 Guest
It is obvious that BCP lower totally your estradiol! Yes your estradiol level is high without pills.
In my case as you know I have not taken any pills..
April 2017 fsh 10.5 and estradiol 55, March 2017 fsh 9,99 and estradiol 48 and January 2018 fsh 20,5 estradiol 23. they did not check my rpogesterone
I am so confused because your estradiol seems high to have estrogen deficiency symptoms.
Your hormones are normal for yoru age and I believe that pills will help you ! Mine are abnormal !. Ia m an error of nature and no help from doctors.
Guest evi75119
It was only high that 1 time...the problem is not the number it is the ups and downs that causes our symptoms. I like to think of it like being in row boat...if the water is up and get thrown around, Nice and even is the key. I hate boats and cannot swim anyways!
When I was on BCP from age 20-40...I only went of twice to have my kids. Then, right back on. Hormone contraceptives basically tell your ovaries to retire and they take over hormone production.. Also, the one I was on was a higher estrogen formula...appropriate for my 20-30s. When I got take off, it was like a hormonal crash landing! In hindsight, I should have weaned off, tapered to a lower dose and come off gradually. oh well!
I hope I get some help with going back on. This one is a very low dose, but everyday 84 day, no break, then 7 day bleed.
I know you must feel like an "error", but you are not...chin up...
leisa56147 londoniese
Hi Darlin;
Every lab is slightly different. With your numbers and with my labs reference range, I don't think you have to worry about menopause yet but check with your doctor.
My FSH 2 weeks ago was: 108.4 and my LH was: 51.9.
I had numbers like yours just last year and doc told me "not yet".
I would welcome last year back as with me, once it hit, it hit HARD!
Enjoy your time. As the country song says "you're gonna miss this".