menopause clinics

Posted , 13 users are following.

hi ladies .. considering the menopause is something thats been about for many 100s of years im really suprised there arnt more get together groups/clinics in major towns accross the country like walk in's to get all sorts of advice and to get ans to the questions were all asking as diverse as they are .. i bet there are so many ladies out there not having a clue were to turn and thinking there going crazy .. and not even searching groups out like this .. 

4 likes, 14 replies

14 Replies

  • Posted

    you're right Michelle as usual we women just suffer in silence and try to carry on as normal.....sometimes it's tough neutral
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle.... Agreeing with you there!! Where I live it's not discussed or a knowledged what so ever... I'm looked at as if " what is she on!!" Lol!!! No one to talk to but my husband is fantastic! Without him I think I would have lost it and without the lovely ladies on here I don't think I would be here today so yes I love this group 😃👍💞
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      Hiya Travis just wanted to say hello hope your doing okay ,hope your out and about .Will PM you later xxx
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    MIchelle your so right hear. i wonder how many men are thinking their wifes/ girlfriends just simply dont want to know anymore and offer very little understanding, mine has said like maybe he needs to go out on a Friday night, talking about cheating on me. im sure he wouldnt but its very hurtfull to hear, as if its not bad enough wthout being made to feel guilty with it.  think there should be a tutorial for the men too to help them see what we go through.
  • Posted

    What a great idea, trouble is I think we're spread around the world!

    I live in Kent England, would be happy to meet up with fellow sufferers


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      Few years ago they provided Well women Clinics ,that's what needed,no Drs surgeries ,just women nurse maybe a midwife whose familiar with the Gyne parts ,think a weekly clinic would benifit women.Ive mentioned this at my local surgery ,told cut backs ,as they use to run one ,when I do go to Drs ,and see now females 40 plus I think are you in here to see dr for Gyne .These meno probs aren't going to go away .generations following on behind .
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    I'm sure there must be others in Kent 😊.  I am in bristol....any takers?!!
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    Hi Michelle I totally agree I would have expected much more information on menopause and more clinics available to go to and ask questions. I'm more and more convinced we need these clinics or well woman places so that we can become more informed as you say it's not rocket science and has been going on forever. Maybe it's time we all canvassed our local doctors and asked if they would perhaps consider clinics .... 
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    True, Michelle. All women I know never felt as me, so I did not have anyone to relate or to ask.  I was lost and this website helped a lot,
  • Posted

    There is, of course, the Dr Marilyn Glenville clinics.

    I went to her clinic with endometiosis, it was cured with nutrition as it is an 'oestrogen rich' disease and some foods are oestrogen rich.   Her clinics are not national so best if you are in the South East, but wanted to tell those that can get to her clinics, you can also access online of course.  Yes, we should have clinics for menopause, I have had a terrible time with it, but found some help with hot flushes and feeling 'out of it' with FX Nutrition's tablets for menopause and B6 and multi-vitamin B tablets!  Hope that helps! :-)


    Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the direct link as users can Google the term. I don't know if it would help but a few users in other groups in the forums have suggested using the meetup (just google this) site to arrange local get togethers.

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