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Hello. I am 48 and had a TOTAL hysterectomy back in 2012. They removed everything, I have nothing left due to heavy periods causing severe anemia, endometriosis, etc. My ovaries were "chocolate" meaning they were very diseased. I feel so much better now with no periods. Post surgery, my OBYN gave me samples of HRT cream/patches because I was to enter menopause instantly...and I took them home with me and even used them for a few days...until I began reading side effects. I quit taking ASAP. My question is...I have not taken ANY hormones of any sort (HRT or bio identical). I have a face flash occasionally and noticed that my hair has gotten a just bit thinner. Do i NEED to begin taking estrogen/progestorone...both or what? I do not want synthetic HRT but would appreciate some advisement. I inquired about BIO IDENTICALS but they are SO expensive. I have not been tested because when i asked my OBGYN if i should get tested, they told me that my levels are going to be low because all has been removed.
Should I just keep on not taking anything? Any suggestions?
Thank you,
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barbara49965 Mary1967
Mary1967 barbara49965
gentleballads Mary1967
its been so many years for you without needing hrt so why now for just the 2 symptoms you mention ? things wont get worse for you sound so confident many of us are in a worse mess.
Mary1967 gentleballads
elaine33371 Mary1967
Zigangie Mary1967
I think if you don't have a uterus you don't need Progesterone as it is used to prevent build up of lining.
I don't know where you are. I'm in UK and get a bio identical one on NHS.
I think from what I've seen they like women who have hysterectomy to use HRT until you are at an age where you would have had natural menopause.
I'm not 100% about this as I have not had the op.
I have just read loads online during my research into HRT and found some useful information from some ladies who have had hysterectomies.
Mary1967 Zigangie
Fairy28 Mary1967
Mary1967 Fairy28
Fairy28 Mary1967
MoodyNoire Mary1967
Mary1967 MoodyNoire