Menopause ear pain
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Hi I am so fed up with the strange symptoms of the menopause, the extreme anxiety, palpatations, hot flushes missed beats. but I have had ear pain on and off for months, keep going to the doctors and they say its fine. i have been awake all night again with the pain its awful it radiates into my jaw and up to my head. When I open my mouth wide i get crackling noises in my ears its getting me down now as its so painful. can this really be another symptom of the menopause? I'm really struggling and my family are fed up with me worrying about new symptoms they say everyday there is something it makes me feel such a pain.
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klm1213 lisa07272
The same thing was happening to me and it turns out I was grinding my teeth at night.... got a mouth guard to sleep in and now the pain is gone π
charlotte57631 lisa07272
Hello Lisa07272, I have experienced something similar to this and just figured it was another menopause symptom eventually it went away..praying for you..everyday something new..hopefully one we will get through thisπ
lisa07272 charlotte57631
thank you for replying, I am really struggling with the symptoms of the menopause, I suffer with terrible anxiety & health anxiety so when I get a new symptom it stresses me out so much.
Lisaippie lisa07272
same here i believe apparently it has to be menapause beacause i have same thing and everyday i have one tooth or one aide or another of my teeth or mouth or ear or throat or taste buds you name it if its on google i have it i never had any of this until i hit menapause like today ive had panic attacks and extreme anxiety since i woke up and ive been having terrible nightmares also the list goes on and on its affecting my family and my quality of life terribly i dont know what to do
charlotte57631 Lisaippie
It is awful how menopause affects our bodies..make you think something else is going on..Jesus help us allπ
Lisaippie lisa07272
i never know each day what new thing is going to happen im almost afraid to get out of bed my depression and skipping heart beats is the worst right now
lisa07272 Lisaippie
oh you are just like me, its affecting my marriage and relationships with my children. Its awful I hate the skipping beats all these symptoms just add to my anxiety. Every day is a battle. I just want to be normal. The ear pain is so painful and it radiates into my neck & up to my head, I think I might grind my teeth at night too. sending you a hug x
tracy01120 lisa07272
Dont freak out and try and relax. I have all those same symptoms. I'm 51 and it started in April for me. I went to dr thinking something terrible was going on with me. Everything came back normal. so I decided after being on this forum to chalk it all up to peri and menopause. since relaxing and not having anxiety about it anymore I actually feel much better. Although the symptoms come and go, I no longer waste time thinking the worse. drink tea, relax, dont overthink the symptoms, just try to comfort yourself when they occur by reminding yourself you are not alone and this too shall pass. Beyer days are ahead. xo
Chickadeesgrl lisa07272
I can totally relate. I just posted on another reply about this. I have seasonal allergies and post nasal drip. Also 12 months without a period. Since December 31, I have had ear throbbing and pain on an off. The pain feels goes from my ears and then spreads down my neck. My ears are always ringing or whooshing. Heat helps. Whenever I swallow, my ears click or pop. I haven't lost hearing but my ears feel full. I get dizzy. Then my throat will start throbbing and feel like it is going to close in. My voice becomes hoarse. Then all of a sudden the throbbing is gone! But then it starts again. I have been to my doctor 3 times. She has looked in my ears (no infection) and said there is fluid in them but can take weeks to clear. She has referred me to an ENT but didn't seem too concerned. I mentioned hormones/menopause and of course she said no. I take a daily antihistamine, gargle salt water and take saline nasal spray. I was on a nasal antihistamine but didn't do anything. Right now as I type, my mouth and throat are going dry. I am slowing going crazy because I am sure another health issue will pop up next week. Whenever my husband sees me on the computer, he says I hope you aren't googling symptoms again! π Off to gargle salt water. I went for a massage and she said that my TMJ (temporomandibular) was really tight when she was massaging my jaw and throat. I do grind my teeth. Sorry for the long and rambling rant but you are not alone.
lisa07272 Chickadeesgrl
thank you so much for replying its nice yo know i'm not alone
rebecca_68782 lisa07272
I have so been there. Everything you describe. I went on Progesterone for excessive bleeding and my periods stopped last December, so 2 months ago. I have felt a little better since then and I am no longer on the progesterone. I still have the heart palpitations (hate those and see a cardiologist every year for them and they always say fine, see you next year), clenching my teeth, anxiety, and weight gain. I too try to not think about it. I drink tea, walk, meditation and try to get plenty of sleep (hahaha). Hope you feel better everyday. Also, googling is awful. I stay completely away from it. I read Susan Weed, the Menopausal Years.