Menopause effect on mental wellbeing
Posted , 14 users are following.
Anyone feeling depressed and anxiety during menopause
3 likes, 24 replies
Posted , 14 users are following.
Anyone feeling depressed and anxiety during menopause
3 likes, 24 replies
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bev27429 Sade2020
Yes! The mental impacts of menopause for some women can be absolutely devastating and debilitating! I have been going through perimenopause for over three years, and I feel like I have had every horrible mental symptom that there could be. I am lucky to have had such amazing support from my family and friends. I have been very real and candid with them about what I have been going through. Some women feel shame about the emotions that they are contending with, but there is nothing to be ashamed about. We didn't ask for this to happen, and this isn't us; it is something that is happening to us.
You haven't provided much information about your situation, but if you would like to share more, I can hopefully provide you with some insights. If you wish to private message me, please feel free to do so. I will always respond:)
Bev xo
c14889 bev27429
What has your experience been like?
bev27429 c14889
It has been absolutely horrendous! I had no idea that anything could be this bad!! It has taken all of my strength and determination to get through this!
catherine57760 bev27429
I kno exactly what your goin throu,i've been to hell an back these last fee yrs with my mental health,depression with menopause has been soso bad. I've just been menopause clinic an hopefully she is going to sort me out! Doctor phoning me weds to try sort depression out! please message me if feel have to talk to someone cause i feel the same! Sending hugs...
c14889 catherine57760
My anxiety has been the worst part of it. Have you struggled with intrusive thoughts and feeling disconnected emotionally from others? I feel like when I'm not feeling good, I begin to think, what's wrong with my life and tend to go back and doubt every decision that I have ever made. My confidence has also been hit hard. Does this sound familiar to either of you?
bev27429 catherine57760
Thanks so much for your support! It is so great to have women on this forum who totally get it!! We all deserve medals for getting through this!!
bev27429 c14889
Yes, I have most definitely struggled with intrusive thoughts and very bizarre thinking. To be honest, it has been nothing short of terrifying, at times. I have also felt disconnected from others and from my life. It has been so difficult to bear. I am lucky, though, to have a tremendous support system, and I never hid any of my feelings and thoughts from those who love me. No matter how awful my thoughts and emotions, I always shared them, without feeling any shame.
c14889 bev27429
I have also been blessed with a few close people I could confide in for the' "Am I crazy?" questions. Thank you for your honesty. It has definitely been really hard!
c14889 bev27429
Bev, Could you expand on bizarre thinking...I think I'm there. It has been so horrible AND terrifying! How you found anything that helps? You can message me if you would like to... I so appreciate your feedback.
kdw12 bev27429
I am suffering severely myself. my depression is debilitating and numbing. I have increased anxiety and panic attacks. I have severe health anxiety as well. I am in a constant fog. I feel like I am just a shell of myself if that makes sense. I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I question if this really can be all perimenopause hormones. what symptoms are you experiencing?
bev27429 kdw12
Over the course of my perimenopause, I have experienced exactly what you are experiencing: numbing depression, feeling like a zombie, feelings of terror and hopelessness. I also had scary, violent images that would appear, but the images are all gone now, thankfully. It has taken every ounce of my strength to continue. Thankfully, I have had massive support. I run my own business, and I kept working, and I think that choice, in part, saved me. It gave me a purpose, but it was painfully difficult.
My heart goes out to you, as I know the despair you are feeling. I promise you, though, that it will get better. This is a transition, so you will come out the other side. Guaranteed!
c14889 kdw12
I do the same. I wonder if I am really just crazy or unhappy in my life situation. It stinks because at the same time I know that I'm not. Does that make sense?
loonarider kdw12
I am in the same boat. I too cannot believe these symptoms are all peri menopause . I am not who I used to be, and I didn't think it would begin so soon. I am 43. I noticed the change gradually from the age of 40.
betty11791 Sade2020
is it only me or there's someone else who thinks they're dying any time soon any slight pain i I think the worst the health anxiety is through the roof i miss my old self
wen_54374 betty11791
Oh Betty I feel so terrible with health Anxiety its ruin my life .I am 61 and struggle every day always worried about something and think the worst .I feel trapped in my own head x Can't stop crying at the moment .I have upset stomach everyday and thinking it's something serious .God I hate this .
Salesmanswidow betty11791
absolutely betty has been off the scale for me, like every new symptom i think is slowing killing me for nearly 11 months now its exhausting. i also have awful nervous tummy issues its one big vicious circle that doesnt want to end
loonarider betty11791
No, it's not just you. Nearly everyday I feel like I'm going to die. This isn't the life I want. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel, as I'm not sure how long I can take of this. 😦