Menopause - facial hair
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Any advice welcome. Since the onset of the Menopuase I am getting the fine hair on my face.......yuk. It is now at the point that i have a beard and it is becoming prominent under my chin too. I am not on HRT and as I am fair haired I cannot find anywhere that would laser them. I feel bad enough going through the menopause as it is with the ususal, night sweats, weigh gain, mood swings and everything else that makes you feel rubbish. Somehow I can cope with all that but not the facial hair. I get upset and the only thing I can see that will work is electrolysis, using the fine probe into the hair shaft. As the hairs is so fine and blonde I feel it will take a life time to slow this down,or get rid of it let alone the cost. I would struggle to pay for this treatment as I have read it can take yearsto destroy the hair root. Is this normal to have so much facial hair. I am so unhappy trying to deal with this.
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lisahelen Jay91157
becky221 Jay91157
susan21149 Jay91157
All i do is just shave the hair off with a razor
helen64949 Jay91157
xBx Jay91157
lisahelen Jay91157
pam1313 Jay91157
ImagineOneDay Jay91157