Menopause, Fibrocystic breasts, Nexplanon removed!
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Hello again lovely ladies.
So I had my Nexplanon inplant removed today,and I guess have 2 questions please.
1. How long is the general time range before I get a period again, I am 50 next month, and when will my nasty peri-menopause symptoms kick in again, any feed back please.
2. Fibrocystic breast lumps, do any of you get discomfort or pain all month long and not just leading up to thier period, I have not had a period for 3 years so curious.
Thank you very much for any replies.
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Retired2011 Astrid64
but who knows, you might be fine. It is really good you got the implant out!
what did your Dx say about symptons and what his/her thoughts about what you might do going forward?
Astrid64 Retired2011
Doctor said today to wait a couple of months after my periods start and then go on the contraceptive pill, I am concerned before I went on Nexplanon I was a mess same as you, terrible sweats and flashes 2/3times an hour, but I am going to try and go down the natural route and no HRT if I can help it.
Symptoms he said everyone is different and to expect anything GREAT not Haha........I bet I won't be laughing in the not to distant future, so trying to make the most of it!
Retired2011 Astrid64
I am so sorry you are suffering!!
it took me about two months to get my period, but was very irregular. Since the pill has estrogen/progestin or whatever combo he gave you, you might be better off on estrodial and progesterone? I am really surprised a US doc will give you a BC pill after a couple of months at 50 years old. If you can tough it out and go the natural route---try black cohosh and photestrogens (soy, flaxseed) for the flashes and sweats, then you may not Ned BC or HRT. If you cave, which I did, you might want to consider Bioidentical HRT since the BC pill is most likely chemicalized estrogen/progestin, but you can ask your Dx.
good luck in whatever you decide!
Retired2011 Astrid64
AVR1962 Astrid64
As far as how long to expect your period, could be any time up to 2 months. You had no symptoms on the inplant but were having symptoms of peri-menopause before the implant?
Read about the dangers of women over 50 taking the Pill. My doc gave me the option at 50 but told me to read. Your chances for developing blood clots raises sigificantly after the age of 50
Astrid64 AVR1962
I started to take Primrose oil last Friday so 8 days ago and keep reading different dosage examples, so I went for 1000mg a day, is that what you are taking please and how many Vit e I have that as well.
Yes symptoms before the implant and about 6 years ago I had a FSH test and I was 39mUI/ml .
For sure if I can do without the pill I most certainly will, a doctor friend (Pediatric) of mine told me yesterday that she has 2 patients right now 1 is 49 and the other 50 both thought that they were safe due to no period and peri-menopause and both pregnant
AVR1962 Astrid64
Retired2011 Astrid64
my 2cents is that taking Bio HRT is better than the pill for woman at 50.
BTW- I saw your post to Mimi---Big Mac and fish and chips---when I wrote back to Mimi, I included a response to you ha, ha! Check it out you will laugh.
in all seriousness, even though I am on HRT, I can use less because I am 90% vegan and three years ago I was on of the biggest meat eaters you would find! but it has helped tremoundously with my symptons. I wish I could say that I do out crave meat or other bad things, but when I eat bad, I feel it the next day and it is not pretty.
I saw you do the flaxseed and soy which is another big help.