Menopause/health anxiety
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Hi iv posted a couple of times and once again wonder if anyone can help/assure me.
Strange sensation in left breast several weeks ago Dr confirmed no lumps however due to my health anxiety I ended up going to a private breast consultant who again checked me over & said nothing wrong. My left breast still feels strange and this evening I have been having a sharp like pain on and off. Took hrt for 2 months then decided to stop and on citalopram 10mg. My anxiety has calmed down, I think due to the citalopram & I also tried acupuncture this week.
Thanks All
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juanita93228 ali80468
Had the same symptoms. Had a mammogram done, found nothing thank God. It's all part of our hormones going wacky. The sensations are now gone. Hang in there. Just remember millions of women are going through this. Health anxiety and panic attacks seem to be at the top of the list of menopause symptoms. (((Hugs))))
vicky36055 ali80468
Guest ali80468
Do you have fibrocystic breasts? I do, and for awhile it was very painful. Had mammo, u/s, and also breast MRI because I had myself convinced I had breast cancer. I just had very bad cysts that are made worse with estrogen dominance.
Have you had any tests done?
ali80468 Guest
Hi Suzanne, I had a mammo several years ago due to having cysts which were drained, at the mammo they did say I had several smaller cysts, if I remember correctly. Interesting you mention Estrogen dominance I had no breast problems prior to going on hrt elleste solo (hysterectomy 6 years ago due to large fibroid) but my ovaries were left, I went on hrt in November and started getting the strange sensation in my left breast in January so decided to come off hrt. My elder sister did mention about Estrogen dominance as she put it drs appear to treat everyone with the same dose of hrt but not one size fits all - I am 5’ 3” and my weight is 8stone 5lbs so possibly the hrt was too much for my system! I go back to the drs tomorrow as I have been off the hrt nearly 4 weeks and been on citalopram 10mg.
Guest ali80468
Hi Ali,
I think you should probably get an u/s, I have to do this once a year because of the cysts. It makes sense what you are saying about the hrt. I'll bet that's what's going on. The hormone doc I saw said that I needed much more progesterone and wanted me to take 200mg oral at night along with the 100mg that was in the bio cream. So if you were estrogen dominant and they gave you more estrogen and not enough progesterone I would think fibrocysts would act up for sure. I went off bhrt, it wasn't worth worrying about side effects for me. Every now and then my breasts will get really sore, but it's usually when I start spotting mid cycle as well.
Let me know what the doc says.
ali80468 Guest
Guest ali80468
I know that they don't prescribe progesterone if you don't have a uterus, but progesterone is the first hormone to plummet, thus leaving us estrogen dominant. It would seem like women would need progesterone regardless of having a uterus.
Also, I know that anxiety can cause all sorts of sordid issues, but I kind of doubt that would be the reason for your breast pain. I'm betting it's cysts, especially if you've had trouble with fibrocystic disease in the past.
I kept going back and forth thinking anxiety was causing all of my issues, but then I reason with myself and say, how could that possibly cause ovarian and breast cysts? And my symptoms seem to be cyclical, so how would that go along with anxiety as well? IDK, guess a combination of all of it.
Good luck at doc.
ali80468 Guest
Guest ali80468
But I do think it’d be wise to have some tests to make sure your breast is ok, especially an u/s because you have a history of fibro.
I still don’t think anxiety can give you a pain in one breast.
Stevo100 ali80468
I was just about to post myself to ask if anyone has breast discomfort in their left breast (which is raising my HA through the roof) I was confirmed peri about 2 months ago but being through this for at least 2years with differing symptoms x my pain is also in my armpit and around my back been to GP and he never considered peri but said it was muscular x I’ve also had CBT in the past x hope you manage to get through this stage x
tina00239 ali80468
Dear ali, please try not to worry hun. At least you had your dr check you out and they found nothing as did the private dr you saw. You need, just like me, to get a grip on your health anxiety. My dr sends me for regular tests and they all come back as normal though I could swear I'm dying of something or other. You did not give the hrt long enough to settle your hormones. My dr said you need at least 3 months worth to really get the benefits. I also take a high strength menopause vitamin, Vit B complex, Vit D, evening primrose oil high strength which is good for touchy breasts, and crushed valerian in a warm drink at night to help me sleep. I take all this ASWELL as hrt and I still suffer a number of symptoms and quite severely. I am going to persevere with them all to try and make this awful process as easy as possible, but also I have the ladies on here to talk to and be reassured by. Your hormones are playing havoc with your mind and body. But thats all it is so you must try not to panic hun, that will just make things alot worse. Always here for you! XXX
Maud12345 ali80468
So now i am having spotting so health anxiety is bad at the moment xxĺ
amanda59745 ali80468
ali80468 amanda59745
Anything worth a try and I go back for a 1 hour session on Wednesday.
amanda59745 ali80468
ali80468 amanda59745