Menopause Hot Flush Remedy - Apple Cider Vinegar info
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Apple Cider Vinegar is a good all rounder but quite beneficial for menopause too, its plentyful here in Spain and very cheap to buy..
uselful info ...
Apple cider vinegar helps relieve hot flashes, one of the most common symptoms of menopause.
According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic researchers found that between 75 to 80 percent of all women in America experience hot flashes.
Apple cider offers a really great and effective alternative to women who cannot undergo hormonal treatment or simply want the option of using a natural remedy.
In addition, Apple Cider Vinegar aids in the relief of night sweats, another symptom of menopause.
Night sweats are occurrences of significant sweating during the night.
They characteristically cause perspiration on the upper area of the body, typically the head, face and chest while dampening sleep wear and bedding.
Here’s another outstanding benefit of apple cider vinegar, it contains magnesium, manganese, a mineral which supports and maintains bone mass and prevent or lessen the progression of osteoporosis.
Wait, there is more to this overall truly awesome health tonic, it supports the body’s absorption of calcium from the foods we eat.
Now before you go out and buy the typical supermarket brand you want to head to your local health food store or alternative grocers.
The unprocessed Apple Cider Vinegar or unfiltered variety over the processed maximizes the health benefits for menopause discomfort.
You want to buy the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
If you decide you want to give Apple Cider Vinegar a try
you should take 2 tablespoons once in the morning and again in the evening. Admittedly, some women complain of the super tangy taste but please don’t let that discourage you.
If you want you can drink it quickly straight or add it to a glass of water. So women elect to use a chaser, so to speak, after they take it…such as a small amount of honey, a piece of fruit or juice. By the way, apple cider vinegar is great to use in salad dressings.
So there you have it, another hot flash natural treatment that amounts to literally pennies a day for the treatment.
Once again we have Mother Nature to thank for the relief!
To your excellent health!
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12 Known Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
1. Improved Digestion
Drinking apple cider vinegar in water can help to naturally improve your digestion. Take a tablespoon of ACV in a big glass of water around 15 minutes before a meal to stimulate digestive juices for better breakdown of your food.
It’s important to use raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with the mother for this and all of the other health benefits listed below.
Filtered and pasteurized vinegars will not have this and lack the enzymes and other nutritional properties in raw ACV that have such a positive effect on the digestive process.
Real apple cider vinegar contains valuable minerals and trace elements, LDL cholesterol lowering pectin, fat burning acetic acid, anti-viral malic acid, live enzymes, amino acids and many other beneficial nutrients.
When you drink apple cider vinegar regularly, ideally before each main meal, your digestion improves and you naturally begin assimilating more from your food. This can also reduce hunger and help with losing weight. More on this ahead.
2. Heartburn, Intestinal Problems and Constipation
Regular apple cider vinegar in water is believed to help correct low stomach acid conditions that leads to heartburn. Importantly, straight ACV is very strong and likely to be too powerful for heartburn sufferers, and especially those with ulcers, so make sure you dilute it well.
Apple pectin fiber, found in the mother of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar, soothes the entire gastrointestinal tract, helping to prevent stomach cramps, bloating and gas.
Apple cider vinegar can also be useful as a mild laxative to stimulate peristalsis in cases of occasional constipation. It should not have this effect if your bowel movements are already regular.
3. Prevent Candida and Normalize Intestinal Bacteria
ACV is full of beneficial acids which are believed to help improve the make up of your intestinal flora. These include acetic acid and malic acid, which have antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties and can help control the spread of the candida fungus in your intestines, a common debhilitating problem with many people’s high sugar diets.
4. Strengthen Your Immune System
Your intestinal flora are a big part of your body’s immune system. It makes sense then that improving the conditions for the growth of friendly bacteria with apple cider vinegar can help improve your overall immunity.
The malic acid in ACV is also a strong antiviral, perhaps one of the reasons people often say they experience fewer colds when they take apple cider vinegar in water daily.
Additionally, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar is said to benefit your lymphatic system by helping to cleanse lymph nodes and break up mucus in the body. Over time this can relieve sinus congestion, reduce colds and alleviate allergies.
5. Regulate Blood Sugar and Aid in Diabetes
Apple cider vinegar is full of acetic acid which appears to slow down the digestion of simple carbohydrates, thus regulating blood sugar levels from the brief highs and longer lows of a high carb diet.
The anti-glycemic effect of ACV has been proven in several studies, including this one that concluded, “vinegar can significantly improve post-prandial insulin and sensitivity in insulin resistant subjects…thus, vinegar may possess physiological effects similar to acarbose or metformin (anti-diabetic drugs). Further investigations to examine the efficacy of vinegar as an antidiabetic therapy are warranted.”
6. High Blood Pressure
Some animal studies have shown that apple cider vinegar may lower high blood pressure and there are many reports in online forums of using it for this purpose.
It’s possible that ACV increases nitric oxide production that helps relax blood vessels, or it may just have a generally beneficial effect on your cardiovascular system that, over time, naturally results in a lowering of high blood pressure.
7. Detoxification
Apple cider vinegar is a popular ingredient in detoxification protocols with good reason. Aside from all the other body cleansing benefits already listed, drinking diluted raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar is believed to help detoxify and cleanse your liver.
One tablespoon of ACV in a large glass of water before each meal is often recommended as an effective dosage for daily detoxification. Some detoxifying methods may use larger doses, though it’s best to build up to these over time.
8. Weight Loss
Apple cider vinegar’s acetic acid has been shown in studies to suppress the accumulation of body fat and liver lipids. Its pectin content is also thought to slightly reduce your body’s ability to absorb fat.
When you have an apple cider vinegar drink before a meal, as well as improving digestion, it will usually reduce your hunger levels as well, which can only be beneficial for losing weight. Once again, 1 tablespoon in a large glass of water before each meal is the recommended dosage.
Raw ACV may well aid weight loss, but it would be better thought of as part of a larger body fat reduction plan. In all I’ve read on the subject, I believe the most effective first step is to reduce grain-based carbohydrates and eat more, not less, of the right type of foods.
9. Bad Breath
The natural acids in real apple cider vinegar, like acetic and malic acid, can reduce the bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath.
Using apple cider vinegar for halitosis, you would make it a bit stronger than when drinking it. Add one tablespoon to a third of a cup of water and gargle it for around 20 seconds to minimize bad breath.
10. Skin Benefits
Apple cider vinegar balances your skin’s pH levels and has long been recommended as a skin tonic. It can also help treat dermatological conditions like acne, especially when used both internally and externally regularly.
11. Leg Cramps and Restless Leg Syndrome
Sipping on an apple cider vinegar drink can increase low potassium levels in your body, a suspect in nighttime leg cramps and restless leg syndrome.
12. Stamina and Energy
Improved stamina and energy are harder to measure subjectively, but raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar has long been considered a general health tonic and more energy and greater stamina are commonly reported when drinking it.
This may be a combination of all the other health benefits of ACV already listed. Or it could be due to the powerful alkalizing effect it has on your body when you drink apple cider vinegar daily.
Despite being acidic outside the body, ACV, like lemon water, is recognized as a premier alkalizing drink, which reduces acidosis in the body and has been reported to aid in recovering from a wide range of health conditions and diseases.
lenie95046 jayneejay
jayneejay lenie95046
The aches and pains are horrid, joint stiffness, i have it myself ..
you say you havent tried your meds the doc gave you.
i was given pain relief and muscle relaxer when i also had my 3 slipped disks, i was also reluctant to take, and only did when i classed it as a non functioning agony above all other day so i wasnt hooked on the meds.
if your in agony some days hun, just take one for those days
best not to suffer everyday ..
Jay x
lenie95046 jayneejay
jayneejay lenie95046
its a weird time peri, anxieties etc, but rest assured your not alone.
i find occupying my mind in something i enjoy, etc helps to not over think things and cause more anxiety, remember it is a natural process and every lady has to go through it ..
Try and stay positive and be kind to yourself ..
i did ten years of peri .. I am 19 months post meno now and age 50 ..
still suffering on and off ...
remember theres lots of ladies on here to talk to if you feel at a low ebb with it, it sure helps..
jay x
lenie95046 jayneejay
lol64 lenie95046
Carryonstaycalm jayneejay
jayneejay Carryonstaycalm
yes its well worth trying .. Has so many benefits ..
And onlly 2 tablespoons of it in a glass of water so should last a while too
jay x
Carryonstaycalm jayneejay
i got my apple cider vinegar today its all systems go tomorrow 👍 cant wait to try it
sue x
tbaby jayneejay
lol64 jayneejay
trudy77450 jayneejay
jayneejay trudy77450
i dont know to be honest not ever had liquid
i will only use Kelp 1000mg ( one capsule) from simply supplements
others can be half the strength so then you need two etc
jay x
trudy77450 jayneejay