Menopause in late 40s?
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Has anyone here gone into menopause in their late 40s? I am 47 and have had crazy hormone symptoms for years. The last three months my menstrual cycle has changed. I always use to menstruate at 26-28 days and now it is between 21-25 days. My period has shortened down to two days. Is that a sign of menopause?
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linda79797 sarah45050
I was 46 years old when i had my last period in 2015. I went through the same thing as you. i experienced peri menopause symptoms years before that. So i technically was post menopausal in was a whole year without a period. after enduring stress this past summer i started spotting and having a periods Oct 6th...hasnt stopped.Dr said i have Endometrial Hyperplasia and fibroid. im so over this i want a hysterectomy....gonna talk 2 my Dr next week about that. I dont want to leave any chance of contracting cancer down the road. My endometrial stripe was 3 cm she said so she wanted me to gwt a biopsy but im gonna ask for a hysterectomy. That's my right and i want to be myself again. i felt wonderful not having a period for 3 years ! Hope this helped and god bless.
debore sarah45050
i did when I was 44. i had my daughter at 43 and my period never really came back after that and completely ceased within 6 months. i am 59 and still get the occasional symptom ie. flushes.
Guest sarah45050
Hi Sarah, yes...I am 41 and started irregular periods at 40... I go from 21-26 days...very short, light periods. To as much as 57 days...then heavier period. I went back on BCP recently to help with my symptoms. If you have no other health issues associated with irregular periods...than you are in peri.
maria60722 Guest
Hi Sarah i am 46 in a few weeks just the same as yourself now on for 4 weeks non stop when will my bleeding ever stop. all the symptoms headaches mood swings tiredness forgetful etc like you have all said. Blood tests done all come back no further action and the doctors wants more tests to be done as she still thinks it's no menopause symptoms
love some advice as I'm going out of my mind with the bleeding and symptoms
sabrina1971 sarah45050
Definitely a sign of peri menopause, but not menopause.