Menopause in my 70's
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Anyone else still suffering hot flushes/night sweats in their 70's? I had a hysterectomy over 30 years ago due to fibroids and was automatically put onto HRT patches which I took for a couple of years. I had hoped by now I wouldn't have any symptoms, but unfortunately I do, and they don't seem to be getting any better.
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Keljo48 Guest
Oh, I am sorry to here that you are still sufferinging. I am two years post menopause and 51. I started taking evening primrose for chronic breast pain (clear mammo, even saw a breast surgeon abou it. just hormones), the extra benefit for me is I don't have anymore hot flashes and more especially night sweats. I don't know if you have tried it, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Guest Keljo48
Many thanks for your reply. I will give them a try.
jude84900 Guest
Hi Lynne,
Your posting confirms to me that I did the right thing getting on bio identical hormones and will stay on them the rest of my life. Loss of hormones and the effect it has on our bodies is real and something that just goes away. Once our body quits making adequate amounts of hormones it will not all of a sudden start making them again and make us feel like we are "normal" again. My general dr, who didn't believe in hrt told me eventually your body will get use to no hormones. That was easy for her to say, she wasn't dealing with these things yet. I did know from my own mother at the age of 81 was still suffering with hot flushes and not being able to sleep at night so my mothers body didn't just get use to lack of hormones. This is not quality of life to go without sleep and your body feeling awful all the time. Do research on bio identical hrt. Compounded creams worked very well for me and I am now on pellets. A good doctor, typically alternative, holistic that runs good lab work regularly is so very important. General doctors just haven't been educated nor have the time in their busy practices to update on hrt. They are going by old school teachings of the womens health initiative findings that synthetic hrt is dangerous. That is true! Synthetic hrt is wrong. Bio identical is what the body knows and uses. I'm 59, I've been on hormone replacement for four years and will stay on them the rest of my life. I get labs done regularly. I was one of them women that thought once my periods ended it would be all great. Wrong! As long as you are having periods you are still making enough hormones to feel semi good. Once the periods end, hormones really take a plunge and not coming back. Body starts showing the signs quickly of no estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. So ladies, don't wish for those periods to end. I am also on many supplements, which go hand in hand with hormone replacement but for most women supplements are not going to make them feel normal again. Our bodies are not lacking these supplements so much, they are lacking the hormones that kept us "normal", estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. I have no issues with sleep now. Hot flushes a thing of the past. No dryness, mental and physically good. Intimacy is still a big part of my life. It is what gets your life back. I know some women have historys of cancers, etc that prevent them from taking hrt but their is alternatives to try for that too. A woman I know that is 77 had breast cancer but intimacy was still important to her so she started pellet hrt with just bio identical testosterone and that has worked very well for her too. Yes, intimacy does go on if both partners are healthy and want to keep that in their life. Good luck
debra16694 Guest
hi there - i am 62, 7 years post meno & still have hot flashes & all the other garbage that goes with this horrific time in our life - i am not sure if symptoms are less or i just dont react to them as much, but they are alive & well - i have a quick question...does anybody else get hot flashes when they go into a big store? i dont know if it is the fluoresescent lighting in the store or if the crowds bring this on, but i always manage to get a hot flash & feel like crap after i go shopping...whats that about?