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Hello Everyone
I am a Brit living in the US and this site is awesome the US ones are just not the same, and unfriendly.
Now then I will try to cut this short, and add if need be to any questions, I asked my gynocologist this question and she said everyone is different!!
Has anyone on here had menopausal symptoms will on Nexplanon the implant in the arm, I have not had a period since I started it 3 years ago and have all the peri-menopause symptoms, according to the Gyno, but because I have no periods I have nothing tio gage it on!
I have just had blood work done waiting for feedback, pap swear was clear just a yeast infection, I did have a FSH test 6 years ago and was well up the scale I forget what number but it was up there.
Sore boobs daily but not all the time.
Tired and not interested in anything.
Nipples do not hurt but feel weird (no changes to them, look and feel the same) doctor did a phsyical breast exam and said nothing to worry about, except my old friends the fibrocystic family Urghhhhh.
Gyno thinks my hormones are wacked and off scale.
I want the Nexplanon out by the Gyno said to leave it in (expires Dec 2014)
Sorry lot's of questions and symptoms am I losing my mind
Ladies next time I am coming back as a fella xx
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Retired2011 Astrid64
I am one of the contributors to this site, and I am an American menopausal woman living in the US. First, before I offer you my thoughts, there are many blogs that are excellent boards (I.e. Hyster sisters ---do not need to have had a hysterectomy to get great info) in the US that are extremely helpful and friendly. Check out the hormone jungle on hyster sister as it is a wealth of info from ladies who are going through the same thing---with ovaries and w/out ovaries.
i was on the same implant when I started going through peri/meno when I lived in Germany about 7 years ago, before I started on creams which are bioidentical. The moron Dx who gave me the BC implant said it would level out my estrogen and control my peri menopausal headaches. The implant was horrible and I had many of the symptons you named above. I had the implant pulled out since my blood level estrodial was over 400 which was very high and not good. Since it is a birth control device most women are no where near menopause who have it implanted and even the ones that use it for BC are not thrilled with it. Look up reviews from Web Md When I got back to the US I found my self a very good Gyn who specialized in peri/ meno (thank god!) hormones and went on bioidentical estrodial.
I do not know how old you are or what your blood levels of sex hormones, thyroid, etc. are but whoever is giving you implants in the US, especially if you are peri or close to meno is an absolute idiot as the implant is used for BC and you cannot change the dose which is so important in peri/meno since our bodies are constantly changing. Two excellent books you might want to order from Amazon are Screaming to be Heard by Elizabeth Vliet and Hormone Health by Uzzi Reiss which will help you navigate through the hormone jungle. Good luck!
Astrid64 Retired2011
Retired2011 I am 49 and will be 50 in September.
I had never heard of the Hyster Sisters site, just goes to show you can Google your heart out and still not find things, I will invetigate later today.
My Implant was done in the UK when I was back there Dec 2011.
I have no issues up until now with the implant nothing,maybe its something else wrong,but you know when you get that niggly feeling!!
liz53953 Astrid64
Astrid64 liz53953
Yes Implant out I agree, its finding someone to do it and in the US they seem and have told me its more difficult to find someone to do the procedure! xx
jayneejay Astrid64
Welcome 😃 poor thing... the side effects on Nexplanon can be as follows..
a reason i never took it years back, instead i had depo provera injections, they are just as bad it seems, i only had two injections and bled constant for 21 months on the awful Depo then peri followed.. 😕
I dont post this info below to alarm you , but if you dont know you should , it can cause
breast tenderness... read below...
The use of NEXPLANON may also increase your chance of serious blood clots, especially if you have other risk factors, such as smoking. If you smoke and want to use NEXPLANON, you should quit. Some examples of blood clots are deep vein thrombosis (legs), pulmonary embolism (lungs), retinal thrombosis (eyes), stroke (brain), and heart attack (heart). It is possible to die from a problem caused by a blood clot, such as a heart attack or stroke. Tell your doctor at least 4 weeks before if you are going to have surgery or will need to be on bed rest, because you have an increased chance of getting blood clots during surgery or bed rest.
Cysts may develop on the ovaries and usually go away without treatment, but sometimes surgery is needed to remove them.
Besides changes in menstrual bleeding patterns, other common side effects reported in women using NEXPLANON during clinical trials include: headaches; vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina); weight gain; acne; **** breast pain; viral infection such as sore throats or flu-like symptoms; stomach pain; painful periods; mood swings, nervousness, or depressed mood; back pain; nausea; dizziness; pain and pain at the site of insertion.
Jay xx
Astrid64 jayneejay
I had depro for 10 years and it was as I mentioned above the Dr in the UK that put me on Nexplanon.
Don't worry you did not alarm me
I already knew the info I had it in an info leaflet and also I Googled it way back and since then about 100 times lol double guessing myself.....but for someone that has not it is very informative...Thank you xx
jayneejay Astrid64
😃 hope you get on Okay .. I am similar age to you, I am just 50..
waving a big bye bye to peri now, been in peri many many years, and about at the end ... Natural route... Good luck Hun...
Jay xx
Astrid64 jayneejay
AVR1962 Astrid64
My situation is a just slightly different but it might be of help. I ws on the pill for over 20 years and becasue of it I normally only had spotting at best for years. When I turned 40 if I woudl tel my GYN that I was only spotting then they would want to take me off the Pill and test my hormones. I finally stopped telling them I was only spotting......I had no symptoms. While still on the Pill, a year ago when I was 50, I started actually feeling the first of peri-menopause symptoms. Doc did not want me on the Pill after 50 becaseu of the increase chance in blood clots. I stayed on for one more year and just recently went off. My body had some real adjustments to make getting off the Pill but I actually feel better now. I think being free of the hormones is really the only way to tell for sure what your body is doing. I have been cycling every other month for the past year.
Astrid64 AVR1962
rhia59228 Astrid64
jayneejay Astrid64
nice one... out at last.. good luck Jay xx
taotown Astrid64
what you say about the implant is really interesting, I am 52 and going through the peri menopause. I think. I have horrendous mood swings, hate everyone, then crying for hours etc, etc. meanwhile my 17 year old daughter has had the implant in for 7 months. She also has horrendous mood swings, hates everyone etc, etc! It is fun in our house! Is this a coincidence, or are we Both suffering the same hormonal effects? I would really love to know your thoughts on this one. Good luck with your own situation, I guess stick with the implant till it's due for removal, then consider other methods of contraception.
Astrid64 taotown
As my Doctor said to me everyone is different, but I was also told like mother like daughter, I started my periods 5 days after my 15th Birthday and so did my mother, my mother went through menopause the or should I say peri-menopause the same time as myself, I recall her talking about it, sadly I lost her back in 2012 so I have to go by memory.
Nexplanon worked wonders for me for nearly 3 years, but because of peri-symptoms, and breast pain, Fibrocystic breast etc I decided to go for the natural approach and have the Nexplanon taken out, so see where I am in mother natures stage.....please read my most recent posts if you can find them, its looking like and I need to get this confirmed, (my recent posts will explain more) but that I am in Menopause had I of not had blood work done I would not of known, the issue is the blood work was taken while the Nexplanon was still in my arm and for an acurate reading I need to give it a month so my hormones can get back to normal......I will say thisI have not cried for about 10 days and feel more my old self, I am nearly 50 years old......Tao you are not going to know where you are at Menopausal wise until you have the stent out, you may be done and throught peri-menopause xx
Let me know your thoughts!
Astrid x