Menopause Odor

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I'm 52, and last period was 1 1/2 yrs ago. I'm having classic symptoms of menopause, but not severely. In the last couple of months though, I've developed a sharp fishy odor in my genitals. I can smell it when I sit with my legs open in a chair, even after showering. I have zero discharge. Zero, ever. Dry as a bone, as evidenced after wearing undies for a day, and then I wear thin cotton. Usually, I wear cotton loose skirts and nothing else, no panties. No urinary leakage, either (hence no need for panties under skirts). No discharge to get on my skirts. I am not itchy, ever either.I shower every day, often twice, with a handheld shower nozzle, directly on area. As recommended by my Gyn., mostly just gentle fingers in all the crevices, labial folds, etc. and H20. In desperation, I've tried Cetaphil, unscented Dove, etc. Nothing harsh. I am clean when I get out and then I've looked in a hand mirror, no visible discharge anywhere after toweling. Even after just drying off, with inner labia skin dry, I can touch JUST the skin (not inside where the urinary opening is) and smell the finger. There is definitely the faint smell of fishiness. Just the skin, not a discharge, not a day's sweat (even after I've tried soap)! Right out of the shower. Within a couple of hours I can smell myself very strongly if I just bend over at the waist. This is not the disease known as "trimethylaminuria (fish odour syndrome)". I'm not on any new meds, no new diet or exercise regime. My vitals, cholesterol, appear those of a 25 yr. old, and I'm super healthy, exercise, etc. Please note the measures I've already taken: 

It's NOT (BV) Bacterial vaginosis.  TESTED last week at the Gyn.      Negative.

STDs? TESTED for EVERYTHING though I'm married 22 yrs.            Negative. 

No discharge at ALL to even smell. ALWAYS DRY.                             None

I eat yogurt daily, though I've stepped it up lately out of desperation.

My husband is too kind to agree with me that anything has changed there odor-wise. But I can see his face during sex, and forget about letting him go down there. He and I used to  laugh that I (really do) smell like Scotch tape. Not bad, just fun and curious. 

. I don't believe in all of the homeopathic remedies. I just don't. My doc doesn't seem keen on HRT, and this is killing my sexual mental health and harming my married life. I'm so disgusted and embarrassed about the smell, I can't even have orgasms because I'm too self-conscious. 

Should I insist on HRT or ERT, or whatever? I'm not hight risk for breast cancer, nor stroke or heart disease. 


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Whether or not you've been tested for specific bacteria and it hasn't been found does not mean that there isn't a bacterial imbalance in/on he tissues.  Being completely dry could actually be part of the problem. Yogurt alone won't restore your bacterial balance in your vagina, but insertion of appropriate probiotic suppositories might. You might also try suppositories containing coconut oil, which might help, too.  

    HRT can have other side effects than breast cancer, stroke and heart disease.



    • Posted

      My gyn. said that gardnerella is included in the test spectrum of bacteria which cause BV, and I'm neg. plus, there's literally zero vag discharge at all. Not yellow, white, gray thin or thick, or smelly. I can also insert my finger into my vagina and it  has no bad smell. Just the entire skin on vulva, and all external folds etc. smell fishy regardless of what I use to wash with. Never any substance on my panties when I wear them, or anything to suggest slight  urinary leakage (which I've read can happen almost imperceptibly). Anyone tried HRT? The Dr won't prescribe antibiotics or fluconazole because she said there's no infection. Would love to hear if anyone's has found that HRT helped this problem.

    • Posted

      Yes, it helps to go on HRT or a low dose bcp. New research is showing that the reason women get high cholesterol, cancer, etc., after menopause is because we lack hormones. There are too many myths about what hormones can do, and not do. Yet, finding the right balance is key to keeping optimal health. My mom had a triple bypass in her early 50's. In her late 50's she started taking HRT, then an Urgent care doctor told her that her risk of a heart attack, breast cancer, or a stroke would increase. Luckily, she didn't let that frighten her. She took it for 2-3 years. Never had any such issues. 

      I sort of recall having a similar smell issue, but since I'm always browsing the pharmacies, I came across this powder called vagisil. It worked so good, I also used it as a foot powder. I'm in the States so if you can ask for it at your pharmacy that'll kill any odors, if not look it up online. 

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    I am using a non hormone cream called vagisan. It's a moisturiser especially for down there. It comes with an applicator so it can be applied inside too. That might be worth a try.

  • Posted

    I agree that the being dry down there could be the culprit.  I would try either one of those recommended. ...but if you have tested negative for everything I would hope your doc could offer some suggestions for you as well.  
  • Posted

    I know your issue all too well. Saw it a lot in the clinic. As it turns out it's most likely Gardnerella. It's a strain of bv, nonspecific, comes from an unbalance within your system. Common in women of age bearing years. This is what it is:

    Gardnerella is a genus of Gram-variable-staining facultative anaerobic bacteria of which G. vaginalis is the only species. The organisms are small (1.0–1.5 µm in diameter) nonspore-forming, nonmotile coccobacilli

    This is the culprit of all fishy smells that can't be identified. Ask your doctor, she or he should give you a prescription for Fluconazole or something similar. Hope this helps.

  • Posted


    I have this fishy odor from time to time but not as bad as you.

    My sister had it while going through menopause. She used Replense ( not sure of the spelling) for it. It worked for her.

    Being too dry down there is not a good thing. Inside the labia majora is supposed to be moist.

    But hormonal imbalances cause it to be dry.

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