Menopause or crazy
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Hello ladies…I am a 46 yrs. old and I've only had like 3 or 4 times menstrual cycles this year… I'm not sure if its menopause…I put was on some pills to so call bring down my cycle and I had like to more with a lot of cramps and very lite😬… I also feel very achy breast at around the time I would have my cycles and I'm extremely forgetful and my eyes are super dry & my sex drive is completely gone too😢😢😢😢… I mention all my symptoms to my Dr. but she ran a blood test said it's not menopause but I know it's clearly something going on with my body…
I appreciate any type advice ladies please…
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Any type advice or just to share your journey will really be appreciated😘😘😘 thanks ladies🙏
annieschaefer Goddess1
Hello Goddess,
You are most likely perimenopausal which leads up to menopause. You will be considered in menopause when you have been free of periods for 1 yr. Blood tests are somewhat iffy and don't always tell the correct story.
There are plenty of great posts on here that can help guide you through this time. Be sure to look through past past to see if any ring true for you.
Wishing you a smooth journey during this time.
sorry, "....through past posts" not "past past", lol, brain fog~gotta love it!
Goddess1 annieschaefer
Thanks so much🙏 Oh the craziness of all these can get unbearable sometimes!
Jokey Goddess1
own experiences and doctors are so flaky especially when it comes to
menapause it seems.
I think the best help you can get Goddess, at the moment,
is advice from
all the knowledgeable ladies on here(we are all living it after all)!
Keep posting we will try to help☺☺
All the best to you
Goddess1 Jokey
Thanks so much my dear! Your option is very valued to me… is anything with in reason that can be done get anxiety levels down ?? a little over the counter of course… I'm scare to ask for prescription, because of side effects😂… if you have any advice please do tell.
'Thanks so much my sister😘
Jokey Goddess1
I think perhaps you would benefit from some counselling. Are you
in UK? You can self refer and get free councelling, just ring your
surgery and they will tell you how to go about it. Other than that
learning to breathe in a special way is supposed to help and calm
You. Look for instruction on the internet.
I have been having a very stressful time of late and have felt quite
anxious at times. When it comes over me I stop, sit down and watch
a bit of comedy on my favourite channel (Gold) it takes my mind
off my worries for a while and calms me. If you like a particular
type of music that could work for you.
I know this all sounds simple and it is far from easy, but personally
I wouldn't want to go down the medication route. I have managed
some how and I hope this may be of some help for you.
Keep talking to us Goddess, I will talk about anything and everything
if it will help take your mind off all this chaos.
All my best wishes to you.
Goddess1 Jokey
Thank you so much… unfortunately for my medical coverage doesn't cover counseling, but I'm going to YouTube relaxiation videos. And start applying them to my life.
Jokey Goddess1
Good for you Goddess. I am sure this will do You the world of
Keep posting, let us know how it is going.
All the best to you😊