Menopause or life.........
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I have to as some questions and some answers.....
Well I have health anxiety but was it there before menopause, don't know it's about the same time, but my dad died then I found out I have a genetic disease that is easy to live with if treated.
Here's another sore legs pain in joints , sometimes due to Menopause but also part of my disease.
Yet we have another depression was that the menopause or was it the fact I couldn't bear to go out anymore.
We have the biggest one and no pun intended , weight gain was it the menopause or was it the fact that I am so effing bored that I eat all the time and yes my confidence has gone but I don't think I had much in the first place.
Finally as from today I refuse to blame all my s**t on the menopause, instead I'm going blame it on Brexit , wtf it's blamed for everything else.........and drop Mic..........
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debra16694 heather29740
hi heather - first off, i am sorry about your Dad's passing - it is so tough to handle - secondly, i am sorry to hear about your genetic disease - As one sore & achy leg sufferer to the next who is trying to figure out whats going on, can i ask you, what is your genetic disease? thank you -
heather29740 debra16694
it is called haemochromotosis and I make to much iron in my blood, which leads to iron overload and the extra iron settles on the major organs and can cause real damage to them so every 16 weeks I get a bag of blood taken from me and if the the iron level is fine it sticks there if they are not they will bring the frequency of the venesection ( posh word for taking blood off me) forward.
Thanks for caring ........Heather x
debra16694 heather29740
hi heather - thank you for that - how did you discover that you had this? high iron in your blood? when you get blood taken do you have a relief in your symptoms like less joint & bone pain? UGH! ok, i am going to check this out - i am of Irish decent, but my parents did not have this - is it always inherited?
heather29740 debra16694
Here is a kick in the teeth neither did mine.
I went for a gp appointment and he took the normal bloods and my ferreitin (iron) came back as 320 the normal is between 25- 50 .
The thing with this is you don't know you have it till it starts to make you a bit ill.
One of my brothers had his taken cause I had to let them know about it , his ferretin was 799.
It is common in people of Celtic ancestory , don't ask me why as I ain't got a clue..
You can have this, be a carrier or not have it at all.
For anyone's future reference I had , sore joints , tummy problems and I was tired a lot see what I mean about the menopause and that.
Hopefully you've nothing to worry about cause the earlier it is found the better and you just get a blood test/ genetic test to see if you are any of the above.
Anyone reading this who may think they have it get checked as it can be life threatening if not caught in time and the only thing they do is take blood from you no big tubes no hospital stays.
I'm a little crazy but that not a symptom lol.......Good Luck xx
debra16694 heather29740
thank you heather - very informative - so on a blood panel, its the number that is given for iron, right? there isnt a specific blood test for ferritin? This aging process is getting to be a bit overwhelming with everything we have to worry about...B/P, cholesterol, blood sugar, iron & the list goes on - thank you!
heather29740 debra16694
it is usually checked , I mean usually they ask fbc (full blood count) and because iron is in the blood I suppose they ask for iron as well as too little iron means you have anaemia.
I should really stop watching greys anatomy lol.