menopause or not

Posted , 3 users are following.

hi every1,my doc thinks im in my menopause and has sent me for blood test,the reason for this is without fail every month a week b4 my period i feel like rubbish sick,tired,no energy ,down in the dumps depressed,which has got to the stage i wont go out till it goes......BUT reading alot on forums they all say the main reason you no your on your menopause is your periods are not regular,yet mine are on the dot every month,could i still be going through meno...............thanks

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya dear.  You are probably leading into it.  It gradually starts.  I remember a few years back I had heart palpitations and itchy skin and then the allergies started.  My eyes were awfully very dry then my periods started to lessen.  Most likely when different things start happening to your body you can blame it on the wonderful days of menopause!  yippy skippy biggrin
  • Posted

    Hi Scottie

    sounds like it could be the start of peri..

    if you have regular periods the FSH blood test will most likely not say you are menopausal... too early... 

    jay xx

  • Posted

    hi,thanks for replys.......sooooooo if test come bk and im not in meno,why do i feel sooo rubbish each and every month,or if im in pri meno will that show up on bloods,and would being in pri meno make me fill like i do,and can i be treated for it.......
    • Posted

      when i was in peri meno my tests came back normal..

      but the symptoms were that of peri menopause and the doctor confirmed that by my symptoms..

      my doc then gave me vit B6 and i also took maca capsules early on..

      a good Vit B compex will help with at least 100mg of B6 in it 

      worked wonders for me 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Scottie biggrinJay who you are talking with told me about the B vitamins too and are working excellent for me.  I take a multi vitamin, B6 by Jamiesen and also B12 early in morning.  Vitamin D and calcium in the afternoon.

      Good Luck dear!

      Hi Jay!!  cheesygrin

  • Posted

    Hi Scottie

    has your doc also done a full blood count - ( full blood tests) checking other things are all okay.. like thyroid, ferritin, liver function, blood sugar etc ..etc...

    jay xx

  • Posted

    HI,yes doc done test for throid,and VitD well test should be bk in couple days,just hope doc gives me something cant carrie on like this every month its not rite......
    • Posted

      Hi Scottie

      thats good then, all will be revealed in a couple days 

      good luck hun

      jay xx

    • Posted

      hi there,well test came bk im not in pri menopause,but have very low estrogen levels and LOW vitd,doc gave me prempak hrt ,and im taking 5 vitd tabs for 10 weeks......lets hope these help with my symptoms,,

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