Menopause palpatations and flutters...
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Hi ladies so my symptoms are so bad today uggh ... Well ive had many many palpatations in the past and they usually go along with my digestive issues lots of belching pressure and trapped gas equals palpatations for me.. They have gone for about 6 months and are back but quickly and then gone.. But now they are being replaced with what feels like a bubble going thru a straw.. So my question is has anyone ever had this? And is this the flutters? Ive had the flip flops the skipped beats and this feels weird like a bubble going thru a straw.. My mother says she remembers having this during her menopause, and I seem to have a lit of what she had.. So please share anyone else ever had this bubbly feeling in chest left side,, thank you
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rebecca94858 Gypsy014
Hi, Gypsy! I have had palpitations all my life. but never as bad as it is now! I have hundreds of flutters a day. They seem to come in bursts. If I feel my pulse, I can feel it miss the beat. I haven't gone to the doctor yet because I just know it is due to the latest hormone fluctuations. It really scares me though. I feel mine towards the top of my stomach area. I hope yours get better quickly. Mine have been very bad for 3 weeks. 😥
Gypsy014 rebecca94858
Thanks rebecca, they are scary I think ive finally felt it all.. Im so done with this.. This Menopause feels like a prison sentence waiting on release lol..
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
Oh my gosh, yes! It is such an unsettling feeling. It's trapped gas and it seems to settle right there in the chest on my left side. You are not alone. I get the flutters and palpitations too and my GP told me that it is gastrointestinal related. I don't know why this happens or how to get rid of it. I guess it's just one of those things that will hopefully dissipate when the hormones settle down.
Gypsy014 sharcerv52408
Thanks sharcerv, I thought I was the only one, thats exactly what it feels like trapped gas that has settled way up high in my chest like little fluttering bubbles moving thru a straw only way to explain but feels weird.. And honestly those palpatations don't feel any better.. Its all scary and upsetting.. Thanks for sharing 😃
marisol06794 sharcerv52408
you describe what is happening to me right now i am in the hospital waiting for my daughter in-law to give birth and all of a sudden my heart started raising out of control and i had to throw up i had so much acid really scared me I've had this sense of fullness on the top of my stomach and under my left breast for 3 days now i was so scared i was going to run down to the emergency room i feel like i have a bubble stuck in my chest sorry to here you guy's are going through this to but i am glad I'm not alone!! BLESSINGS to you all!!
Keljo48 Gypsy014
I have this issue reoccurring and I now have an appt with a cardiologist. I know they are going to want a stress test. But I would rather have bamboo shoots shoved under my nails than have another stress test. I was not build to run on a treadmill full speed at someone else's control. I failed my last stress test because I didn't recover well apparently. Maybe the heaving and sweating was the give away. lol. So I ended up having a heart cath (scoped thru my wrist, weirdly). It showed that my heart is good but I had 20% plaque build up. Cardiologist said was fine. I take Lipitor everyday. My NP said I was too young for that much build up. I said how much do you have? She couldn't answer me because she doesn't know! Ha.
Anyway, I have reoccurring heart skips and flutters. I take chelated magnesium 350 mg a day and that helps. I do not drink caffeine which also helps. Also I stopped taking evening primrose (for breast pain) which according to my NP can cause palps.
I think mine is hormone related. I am 2.5 years post meno and 51. I am still going to see a cardiologist to get my heart checked.
A side note, amlodipine bp med can cause hundreds of skipped heartbeats a day. It is listed as one of my medical allergies now.
Gypsy014 Keljo48
Thanks keljo yes I don't think I would run on a treadmill either for a stress test.. If you're not normally a runner I'm pretty sure heart would be flipping all over the place for that.. I'm not sure if too much want the bamboo shoots under the nails either lol.. Either way these awful symptoms need to goooooooooo
lisa07272 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy
I know exactly what you mean, I have suffered from occasional skipped beats over the years had allsorts of tests all ok, sometimes I don't get them for a while then bam I get lots and some are really uncomfortable . It feels like my heart stops for a bit then a big boom and like you say sometimes it feels like an air bubble. This menopause is making them worse and i'm very stressed at the moment and that makes them worse. Also I have been getting the pounding heart which frightens me. I am taking a menopause support supplement and some homeopath remedy I will try anything I just want to feel normal again.
Gypsy014 lisa07272
Hi Lisa, yes it definitely feels just like an air bubble going thru a straw.. very weird feeling, just when you get use to the flip flops and skipped beats it gets worse and turns into air bubbles , makes the health anxiety worse. Ive been getting the hard heartbeat too lately scares me too, and normally my heartbeat is low and slow. But just recently been getting some really big thumps ugg not good! Well I hope we all get thru this soon its so hard all of this. Thank you for sharing..
Keljo48 Gypsy014
Well I opened my mouth too soon. I have the hard heart beats, big skips that feels like my heart stops for a bit and then palpatiations. Was fine for about 2 weeks and they are back with a vengeance. I have had this issue off and on for a few years. But in the past year it seems to have amped up. It scares the heck out of me. Yesterday was fine but today it is back and is almost constant. My nurse practitioner was to order me a echocardiogram and a holter monitor and I was to contact a cardiologist of my choosing. But instead I get a call from a cardiologist referral service from my NP and she didn't get the test ordered. Teaches me to go in at the end of day for an appt. Now I have a cardiologist appt March 18th to someone I am iffy about. I called My NP office today to point out the error. I don't know if it's hormones, digestion, a blockage or a heart condition. But I can't live like this any more. It is debilitating.
I take bp meds and a cholesterol med.
I feel like I need to let out a really deep burp but it is trapped. I don't know if the trapped gas is from stress from this or digestion. But the skipping is real as are the hard heart beats and palpitations.
I know you all are perimenopause which make me feel more isolated and scared that something is wrong because I am 2.5 years post menopause and will be 52 (if I live that long) next month. I don't want to have to go to the ER but I may have no choice.
lisa07272 Keljo48
aww Keljo i'm sure everything will be ok. I have been told that hormones, stress and digestive issues can all contribute to the Palpatations & funny heartbeats. I was told by a cardiologist that lots of people get them and they are completly normal, but to us they are very frightening. Stay strong, Also I was told to drink plenty of water and eating bananas can help. If you get time try some meditation techniques there are some good ones on Youtube. As you can see on here lots of us ladies get them too.
rebecca94858 Keljo48
Keljo, I am also having them constantly right now. My cardiologist told me years ago that I could expect them to really get bad at menopause. They scare me to death when they get like this. I hope you figure out what is causing yours. I have had an arrhythmia for years, but this is crazy. My sister, who is older than I am, has none of these issues. I am sad.
Keljo48 rebecca94858
Yes. It is hard to function like a normal person for me. It's like I have the hiccups in my heart. My husband is desensitized to my heart issues which is depressing.
His brother who was in his early 60's died of a heart attack on his wedding anniversary a little over a year ago. He was on the phone to 911 when he expired. It was a shock to us all. I still can't believe he is gone.
I would just like to get my heart checked because Menopause, peri and post has given me such health anxiety. I never used to worry about anything but Now I think, am I going to have a heart attack? Worry always makes things worse buy how can we not?
rebecca94858 Keljo48
My husband is also desensitized to all things menopause related. I talk about my heart and he just mumbles something and goes on like it is no big deal. I am sure he is tired of hearing about my near death experiences but I feel like I have to tell someone in case I do kick the bucket. I understand your fear after your brother-in-law's sudden death. How very sad! I think I am more scared of the tests than I am of the symptoms. 😥 I just plug away trying to stay alive. Is this living? Probably not.
Gypsy014 Keljo48
Yes thats me they come and go, mine left for like 6 months now are back.. I know the husband thing all too well.. I think deep down inside he wants me to be tough and I am tough .. Tough as nails as a matter of fact but menopause has broken me down especially when it all first hit me and I could cry for no reason at all I was a blubbery mess.. I use to not want to be alone or drive alone or go anywhere alone and that was uncharacteristic of me, but l use to cry to him asking him please stay just 20 30 more min till I feel better if it was palpatations or dizziness or feeling like I couldn't breathe and get that deep breath whatever it was I did not want to be alone to die is what would go thru my head and many times he would stay for a few then it got old and he would disregard my cries and just leave I was scared and alone.. This menopause is very lonely.. My husband suffers from high blood pressure afib sleep apnea the worst kind central sleep apnea and very high heart rate at rest, when this all first started for me I use to think who was going to die first and was over whelmed with fear and very high anxiety and panic attacks it was awful.. He has since started taking all his medications and his health issues improved 100% he doesn't even have the sleep apnea anymore which was very scary, all his symptoms just fell into place while taking his medicines.. My sisters husband on the other hand side march 5th 2015 of a heart attack. That was a shocker to all of us so I feel you when you say you lost your brother in law to a heart attack we still can't believe hes gone but it has gotten easier.. As time goes on.. Like lisa says the cardiologist swear these palpatations are normal especially for woman in menopause there are even cardiologist on YouTube that talk about how normal these are for us.. I do believe mine definitely are associated with my digestive issues and nothing more as I feel the trapped gas and belching also .. Having gone thru what my husband has gone thru I can definitely tell the difference , my little flip flops and skipped beats are nothing compared to his.. Heart rate would be 190 at rest the afib was skipping never even a normal rhythm. But like I said once he started taking his cocktail of meds everything fell into place for him.. Oh also I'm totally not sure if I'd be peri or post I had a hysterectomy when I was 27 with ovaries left in me for a normal menopause ha ha nothing normal about any of this as soon as I was home from my surgery symptoms started for me because blood supply is cut off from the ovaries and they begin to die. Fast forward to today I'm 49 and things really hit me bad between 43 and 47 now 49 and still bad but not maddening pike the symptoms were I felt crazy. I'm more calmer now when symptoms hit maybe I just deal with them better who knows., ❤