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Hi I'm new here and looking for some reassurance.

I've been post menopausal for 2 years now and thought all my problems were over.

about 4-6 months ago i started will palpitations which sometimes took my breath away.

been to GP who did ECG which was fine and blood tests for thyroid etc which were fine.

it calmed me a bit but they are still here and i am getting really worked up over them.

are these normal. im 52, don't drink or smoke but do suffer from anxiety.


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3 Replies

  • Posted

    They are absolutely horrible - so not stress, they are all part of it. Sorry to say they were all part of it for me, I went down holster track, cardiologist etc and it was nothing. It is super scary and makes you feel terrible but try to remember it is just part of this "natural" torment!!! Stay strong - keep yourself cool as this helps and do lots of deep breathing. X

    • Posted

      Motherwort tincture stopped my palpitations. I was having around a thousand a day, now I have a couple if any. It took about 2 months to get in my system.

    • Posted

      Thank you for this suggestion! I live for natural remedies.

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