Menopause (Peri) or Neurological
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I posted sometime ago that I had a brain cyst and intense burning in my head and I was waiting to see a Neurologist. At the time I wondered whether the burning sensation was hormone related. I've since seen a Neurologist who had advised that a cyst can just be a space in the brain filled with fluid, not necessarily a growth filled with fluid. In my case it appears that prior to birth I had a stroke which killed off part of the brain, left a gap which fills with CSF fluid. None of this has left me brain damaged (although my husband says this is questionable). But all that said the Neurologist didn't really know what the burning was caused by, he thought maybe a combination of anxiety and menopause and it should disappear over time. Anyone had the same experience?
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missmacca77194 nicola06347
Ive a burning sensation in my head especially when im tired or stressed anxiety ect can also bring it on its horrible i used to think I had a brain tumor.
Im peri still have lots of different symptoms with it.
im glad i joined the forum cause so many symptoms i am suffering other ladies have them so im not going crazy lol
nicola06347 missmacca77194
pinkcatfairy nicola06347
I have read someone once put about electric shock sebsations in head as a peri/meno symptom, that said do you suffer with sinus problems bec when i had sinus infection i had what seemed like burning sensations over my head. I didnt really think about sinuses in top of head but once in the height of the sinus infection i was coming out of a warm shop into the cold air and had this burning type pain in the top of my head and thought that's it i had a brain tumour, that was many years ago and i'm pleased to say it wasnt. The sinus infection also affected my neck and temples, just a thought it could be this x
nicola06347 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy nicola06347
Oh it was just a thought, I know it is such a horrible time for us x
didi0613 nicola06347
nicola06347 didi0613
elaine33371 nicola06347
Menopause does affect you neurologically, as our periods in part, are controlled by the brain, part of the brain sends hormones to start our periods, ovaries i think keeps you on for a certain length of time, so brain kick starts it off, ovaries finishes it so to speak.
The electric shock symptoms, are caused by fatigue, which knocks our body clocks out, which, then affects our sleeping patterns, this is another reason why we get neuro symptoms, another symptom is what drs call hypnogenic jerks, this is when your starting to relax, and about to drift off asleep, you feel like your falling, and then kick out, and thats what these kicks are! this started happening to me during the day, as my body clock was out so much due to fatigue, that my brain was telling me, i should be asleep, and i had not long since got up, so i was getting all these neuro symptoms during the day, whilst at work. I was kicking out whilst sat on the bus, i got electric shocks during my shift, i had heat in my head, but not burning, my migraines got worse, and i started to get a kicking feeling inside my head, drs said this was deffered pain as my migraines had changed, and these symptoms happened in a cluster, which is how my migraines use to happen dont always get the pain now, but still get all the different kicks, and shocks but a lot milder nowadays as im post!
nicola06347 elaine33371
elaine33371 nicola06347
Yes that will be it, people who work, notice when they have been off for a while, it knocks our clocks out, and we have to go back to work to start all over again, our bodies need routine, harder to do when not working, but it still can be done, you just have to keep re training our bodies to put our clocks back in sinc, you may hear people say, im better working, i feel much healthier, its the routine, routine will help you control your meno symtpoms, but DONT overdo the exertion either, its gentle exercising, and know when to stop, otherwise your fatigue willbecome chronic.