Menopause, please go away, its been 8 years now, I want my life back.
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I'm 52 and had a hysterectomy in 2013, the doctor left my ovaries intact, he said by removing them it could throw me into full blown menopause. With that being said I've been suffering since 2010; the last 3 years has been torture. This last year, the absolute worse. I wake up every morning with the 66++++ symptoms. My blood work always comes back normal. Going through menopause is debilitating. I don't sleep, severe night sweats, severe hot flashes, which will then send me to the bathroom where I have diarrhea every morning for an hour or so. I work two jobs and I'm exhausted 24-7, therefore, on the weekends I try to rest hoping by Monday I will feel rejuvenated, but it never happens. I often call out sick, go home sick, go home with my office clothes soaked due to excessive sweating. I often make up stupid excuses with work because menopause is something that a lot of women don't discuss. I suffer most with physical side affects and anxiety followed by panic attacks. To live like this daily is true torture. I try to stay positive but its not easy, especially when your in pain. My joints hurt daily, my back is killing by 3:00pm, headaches, migraines, nausea, sleep deprived, chest pain, dizziness, heart beating fast, in the bathroom 24-7, and completely wiped out. I'm ready for bed by 7:30, and/or will make myself go to bed early knowing when 2:00am comes around, I'll be awaken with hot flashes/night sweats and then running to the bathroom; followed by anxiety and panic attacks. Then I begin to pray, please god, let me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sad to say, and I would never hurt myself because I truly love life but I moments when I start thinking, I'd rather die then to go through this daily. I refuse to have hormone treatment, and do my best with home remedies. Its rare that I have a good day, I find myself begging in head, "please, just let me get through this before menopause ruins my life completely." My life is literally on hold until I get through this. Menopause is a daily feeling of constant fear too, because you really do feel like you're slowly dying, well I do anyway. I hope the worse is soon coming to a end. More women need to start talking about this and I think it should be discussed in the work place, doctors and therapists should be highly educated when it comes to menopause. I've seen women diagnosed for mental conditions and then be prescribed multiple medications they don't need, the list can go on and on. I recently had a therapist say thank you to me for sharing my story. He said he talks to patients my age who are suffering from the side effects of menopause and his patients don't don't know this nor did he ever give it much thought. He took it upon himself to read this forum and now has implemented menopause during his sessions with patients. We're not alone ladies, and were here to support each other and let our voices be heard. We will beat this!!!!
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nicole29570 theresa53424
susane84679 theresa53424
hi theresa,
I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time. we are all coping the best we can with this but there are days you just want to be free of it no matter the cost. I dont have all of the 66+ symptoms and for that I am grateful, because the ones i do have are bad enough. i have really good days where i have no symptoms at all and then bad days where everything hits at once. i dont have anxiety or panic anymore because I've learned to control it. it sounds like your stomach upset Is due to the anxiety. that is what happened to me right before an anxiety attack. hang In there, we all in this together?
debra16694 theresa53424
Hi Theresa - I feel your pain, this just doesn’t seem quite fair that some of us have to suffer the way we do - I just received some bad news about a relative & just hearing that news spiraled my health anxiety out-of-control. Sometimes, I don’t know what is causing all my symptoms, menopause, anxiety, blood sugar fluctuations or what - I am really tired of figuring it all out also. Does anybody also suffer from “brain fog” that feels like your brain is just foggy? Also, I get a vascular feeling all over my face, mainly nose lip area when I flush - Ugh! Drives me crazy!
victoria86074 debra16694
Yes Debra! Brain fog is my most scariest symptom along with the depression & anxiety which I never had before I went into this hell! Just started on hrt which I am hoping brings relieve sooner rather than later. Hugs & best wishes x
theresa53424 victoria86074
Agree, Brain Fog is the worse too, and then its followed by feeling dizzy. I don't know how walls I've bumped into! lol
theresa53424 debra16694
debra16694 victoria86074
Hi Victoria - Oh, I hate to say this, but I am glad I am not alone in the “Brain Fog” arena. It’s quite frightening to have all the physical symptoms, but then when your brain feels like some alien sucked it out it’s beyond scary. Something else that I noticed about myself that I never had before & I guess it’s part of the anxiety thing, but I have become ultra sensitive to everything...I feel like I have developed an extremely sensitive emotion to all things “negative” - I suppose this is just part of the whole anxiety thing - I want my old life back!
victoria86074 debra16694
I have doctor anxiety now, it goes through the roof when I go which increases the brain fog massively! Felt like I was on another planet today, very weird & very scary.
victoria86074 theresa53424
Reading this brought me to tears. So sorry you have been going though such an awful time. I totally agree that this should be discussed more openly at work. I have been off work sick & I am so lucky that the company I work for have been fantastic with me. I have been very open with them regarding my menopausal symptoms & they are going to make my return to work as easy as possible for me. I need to return, been driving me slowly mad being at home, too much time to think & Google symptoms! Sending you hugs & prayers xx
CarolKelso theresa53424
Edell7329 theresa53424
Thank you!! I'm going on 2 years with this and I feel exactly like you!! It's awful and it feels like it will never end. I'm sorry you are going thru this but it feels good to know I'm not alone!!