Menopause plus at 46
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Hi am 46 and getting hot flushes for the past year and some palpitations. Nothing too bad went to my GP just to make sure that it wasn't anything sinister. I have had the merena coil for 3 years so haven;t been getting periods with it. He took blood tests and it came back yeserday that I am menopause plus plus. Can't believe it am in shock. Any body else in the same situation am worried I should be on HRT as a nurse friend of mine told me before that you should always go on HRT as if you don't you could get osteoporosis.
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fancygoldfish ali43641
jayneejay ali43641
HRT is not the answer for all, it carries other risks,
The nurse who told you that needs educating in the field of menopause. It may help bones but may cause alot more problems.
HRT postpones menopause reboots the declining hormones and one day when you have to stop you have menopause again, so needs considering,
I never had HRT i am 50 and like many women we take calcium and vit D, Maca etc for bone health.
Its all personal choice
HRT is too high risk for me
Do your research on it hun, make your own choice
Good luck
ali43641 jayneejay
jayneejay ali43641
i am age 50 ... 16 months post meno
had a 10 year peri, for me i chose natural as family history of HRT was rather bad..
my Doc said Calcium and Vit D a must, i have taken it for 10 years, in form of Natecal ( both in one)
as well as B6 (150mg) which he also gave me ten years ago at first.
i didnt realise back then just how good it is for anxiety and menopause so stopped taking it, but now i take it daily and i feel great.
i also take Chelated Magnesium, Vit E, Maca capsules, and otther things
good luck hun what ever choice you make
jay xx
ali43641 jayneejay
BellaRubia ali43641