Menopause renal patient and have hyper parathyoidism
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where do I start I feel I am dieing dizzy and lost lots of weight cause of acid reflux I have high pth and dialysis I feel I can not cope ,is it my kidney problems or my pth or my menopause I have all the ,signs of a menopause but not had any test but need to do something been off work for 4 week want to get back to normal . What medication do I take l am on cinacalcet for my high high (parathoid)
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tracy16346 kim97637
kim97637 tracy16346
tracy16346 kim97637
deidra40034 kim97637
I also have problems with my adrenals and kidneys, and the reason my blood pressure has just been all over the place. I am now on a medication for that. The good news is, my bp is leveling out nicely, but the bad news is, the meds the urologist put me on for the adrenals/kidneys, do make me dizzy, one of the side effects. Could the meds you are on for your kidneys be making you dizzy, a side effect as well? What of the other med you are on, do you know what side effects that one has?
I don’t always trust the doctors, they don’t always keep up with what they each order for us, so what I do is keep an up-dated list on my computer, and I make a copy, and take it to every doctor appointment with me, so that they all have a complete, up-dated copy in their no mistakes! Even my pharmacist has caught a couple of things that would not mix well, and had to call me, and the doctor to tell us, I could not take the two meds together! Thank Heaven’s for my Pharmacist!!
Our doctors, as good as they may be, are just too darn busy, and make mistakes!! So, we have to be pro-active in our own health!! If one doctor orders a test, I ask them to send a copy to my other doctors, so they too have a copy for their files. If I were you, I would not wait, I would call your doctor, and tell them exactly what you posted here. Something is obviously not right, or meds might need to be adjusted. It’s so scary when we don’t know what is happening to us! Especially when we already have health issues, and then other strange things start to come up! If you can Kim, look up the meds you are taking on line, see what the side effects are, and google to see if there are any interactions you should look for if taken together with your other meds. And come Monday morning, I would give your doctor a call for sure. I wish you luck, “TRY” to relax IF you can. When you are feeling dizzy, stay seated Missy! You don't need to be falling! Try to eat something that has a good amount of a good yogurt...something without too much sugar. Have a nice cup of tea, and rest over the weekend! Those are your orders from headquarters! Bless You Dear!!
kim97637 deidra40034
Stickinsect kim97637
The odd thing was that 10 days after the surgery my normal thyroid went nuts into overdrive and went massively overactive. Which surgeon was baffled by as this isn't a known side effect or complication for it to happen so late after the initial surgery. It made my metabolism, pulse and body temperature go through the roof. Felt constantly dizzy, terrible hot flushes and completely wiped out.
May be an idea to get your normal thyroid checked and also ask whether the parathyroids need to be scanned and possibly removed if not normal size.
kim97637 Stickinsect
Stickinsect kim97637
Ask for your parathyroid to be scanned and nuclear CT as it will show which ones are enlarged and then they can be removed. That won't necessarily help with the kidney issues but should stop the acid reflux and appetite problems in its tracks.
If DR says wait then find a new DR as high parathyroid levels affect the central nervous system and left untreated can be very dangerous.
Are you in UK or US?
kim97637 Stickinsect
Stickinsect kim97637
kim97637 Stickinsect
Stickinsect kim97637
He wasn't convinced and even put in his letter that he felt I had decided I had Hyperparathyroidism but there was no medical basis for this as he felt my raised pth was just a glitch. So anyway he had to swallow his words when the scans came back showing all 4 were knackered and I told him I wanted an apology for saying it was all in my mind. He apologised.
End result 3 removed last July and appetite back to normal in a week.
Fight for what you want, research online who is best in your area and their field and get your GP to do a choose and book to them. Also is there a private hospital near you that does NHS referrals as waiting lists there normally much shorter and it us still on NHS.
kim97637 Stickinsect
Hi my pth has come Down to 56.6 from 106 this is on cinacalcet I have a little reflux at time but still haven't got my appetite back but I am on dialysis and renal patient lose this