menopause symptoms?

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Hi peeps I hope i may get some reassurance here. I am going throught the perimenopause this last week on three occasions the right side of my face it feels like its burning but cool to touch i dont get any other symptons does any one else have this please im quite worried

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello sue

    I had exactly the same thing last week lasted about 3 days wandered if it was connected and now feel you've answred my question as well


    • Posted

      yes mine started tues it worried me because of the stroke thing then i realised my eye area and underneath is painful but i have started getting sinus problem with the start of menopause
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    I don't have many physical symtoms, just so depressed that I don't want to get out of bed!!

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      ha,  I had a meltdown just today over being a woman.  Luckily i was alone in the house at the time, I was shouting to nobody about how unfair it all was.   was having a horrible week with the worst pms, cramps, anxiety and then period started, and I just lost it.  Realised today that the symptoms just keep coming back, and seem to get worse when they do.  oh the joys!

      (and i get the sinus thing too, nose running, no warning, swollen eyes and feelings of numbness especially around mouth, one side only, then IT GOES, like everything else, you'd want nerves of steel to put up with this)

    • Posted

      What have you been doing for it? I'm on the 3rd antidepressant with an increase of the dose recently. I feel ok some days but this really sux!

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      citalopram and menopace with essential oils colleen although I have good days I wait for the bad as you know they are coming im lucky i went to work yesterday and my colleges realised i wasnt my self they know then Im having a blip day and they come and give me a hug doesnt cure it but it makes you feel better 
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      thank you metamorphed and everyone you have put my mind at rest x
  • Posted

    It's definitely sinus ! I went to ER for this already. It started with my nose running then face numbing and my eyes swelled underneath. It's all related

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