Menopause symptoms
Posted , 4 users are following.
Hi, My periods are delayed by 15 days. I do not experience any other symptoms like hot flushes, viginal dryness, .....
I am 43 yr old. Am I nearing menopause?
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Posted , 4 users are following.
Hi, My periods are delayed by 15 days. I do not experience any other symptoms like hot flushes, viginal dryness, .....
I am 43 yr old. Am I nearing menopause?
0 likes, 6 replies
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jayneejay simjack
hard to say... Normally you would have some symptoms early peri, like night sweats and hot flushes... From mild to severe, we are all different..
Periods do vary and do become irregular.. prolonged or sparce, heavy and light, and spotting sometimes... Then they decline from the average 12 per year to missing some each year until meno reached on average after a full year of no periods..
stress can effect your periods if your not in peri and of course pregnancy ..
Jay x
simjack jayneejay
Thanks for your advice.
I had the urine and blood test. both were negative.
I had very regular cycle of 28 days but past a year it has beecome very irregular. sometimes I get them in just 20 days and sometimes around 30 days. This time got it after 49 days. The flow is not norma its just spotting. Today is the third day of spotting.
Do I need to worry about it???
jayneejay simjack
in my peri first i bled for 21 months 😥 from heavy to normal to spotting to light with out a break it was constant variation... Fainted 3 times ..
but as my 9-10 year peri progressed, i skipped a few each year but steadily, I seemed to be floody for 2 days, then would settle and it was over in 3-4 days,
then i would have a trace sometimes and then no more bleed..
nearing the end i got dreadful migraines for 4 days and nights just before a proper period ..
it does vary from woman to woman
marlene21102 simjack
If you've no children,you can go into menopause up to 5 years earlier.
go and get meno sticks of Amazon ,or big chemist shop,do test yourself.
Get things sorted as best you can,get on these B Vits as Jay mentions ( I've started on them this week)sooner the better.your be to and from Drs forever with meno symptoms,all ladies on site will tell you this, take starting to look after you now if you feel not right. Look at list Jay put up see how many you can tick off,I got 31 ticks of the 67 up on site ,forewarned is forearmed hey ladies.Takecare xx
simjack marlene21102
Bouncyville simjack