Menopause with ME/CFS - HRT?
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I have ME/CFS and am going through the menopause. One of the main problems I'm having now is the additional fatigue on top of my usual ME/CFS fatigue. My doctor has suggested trying HRT but as I'd had adverse effects to medications on the past I'm not sure if it would agree with me. Has anyone else with ME/CFS tried HRT? Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with fatigue that doesn't involve HRT?
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Klp77 elaine62759
I know exactly how you feel! I suffered from horrendous fatigue last year with no obvious cause - felt like I had gone back 20 years to when I first got diagnosed with ME. I eventually decides to try HRT and acupuncture last October (never tried either before). I have found that the HRT helped massively with the low moods / mood swings and hot flushes (all pretty much gone within a couple of weeks) but I find the acupuncture has helped more with the fatigue and muscle pain. I haven't had any horrendous side effects from the HRT (some weight gain but that could also be down to not being able to exercise due to the fatigue and pain). I'm on a fairly low dose (Elleste Solo 1mg combined with Mirena coil) but it seems to work for me. Hope you find something that helps!
elaine62759 Klp77
I'm glad to know it's not just me! That's exactly how I feel too. I've had ME over 20 years and feel like I've gone way back to the beginning like how I felt when I had glandular fever. I was wondering if it had come back but all blood tests are normal and I haven't changed anything in my life but have felt rubbish the last couple of years so it's got to be the menopause. I feel my hot flushes aren't as bad now ( I was just using a fan when I had one!) but the fatigue just isn't going away not matter what I try. It's like walking about with an extra blanket of tiredness over you all the time on top of the usual fatigue. I seem to be struggling doing anything at the moment and am getting really fed up of it. I might look into trying acupuncture as I hadn't thought of that. How many sessions did you try before you noticed a difference?
Shana_rifka elaine62759
Hi Elaine! Don’t know what ME/CFS is but I’ve been on Wellbutrin, an antidepressant that really boosts energy. Really made a difference! No more cloud around my head wanting to lay down. Exercise also helps! Take care😊
juliana99221 elaine62759
Hi Elaine I also have suffered with ME/CFS for around 20+ years now and have struggled with all sorts of menopausal symptoms fatigue, migraines, sickness, very low libido, bloating, weight gain etc you name it I think I have suffered it. During this time I also suffered with depression, which resulted in me having to retire from work at the age of 38. I had a hysterectomy about 8 years ago (still have ovaries) and was reluctant to take HRT. However I was feeling so bad wasn't functioning well at all and my GP referred me to a HRT Clinic at a local hospital were they suggested HRT patches which you changed every 4 days as I wasn't fussed about taking it in tablet form. Although I bore with them for over a year I wouldn't say they helped my symptoms in anyway. During this time I was also diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and my weight ballooned. I asked to be referred back to the clinic were they changed the patches to a gel to applied to my upper arms once a day. Again this didn't help and I found myself suffering with unbearable migraines. Back to the GP tried a stronger patch no success. I am now trying the gel again on my upper thighs twice a day, but I don't believe it's really helping me that much. I do hope you find this useful. HRT in any form could have very different results for you and maybe worth giving it a try.
elaine62759 juliana99221
Hi - I think that might be the same patches my doctor has suggested I try - evorel sequi. I'm wary about trying them as they will have side effects which will just add to my problems. I really don't want to put on any more weight either as I've already gained about an extra stone the last couple of years without eating differently. I've now been told my cholesterol is too high as well and to try and lose weight and cut out fats - the joys of getting older!!! Have you ever tried any alternative therapies? Klp77 has suggested acupuncture which might be worth a try.
Klp77 elaine62759
I had a session a week for five weeks and that really made a difference. I then dropped back to every two weeks for a few sessions and now I go once a month. I definitely know when I'm due a session so I guess every 3 to 3.5 weeks would be better for me. I had never tried it before but got to the stage I was willing to try anything! It's not cheap but it's worth it for the benefits I'm getting.
elaine62759 Klp77
That's encouraging to hear that it's helped you. I will look into local therapists and maybe give it a try. Anything is worth a try if it helps no matter what it costs! Hope you continue to get relief from it.