mental problems with pmr
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Could i get someting off my chest.
Before my doctor told me i could have pmr, i was having problems walking without pain, bone cancer was ruled out, and then my doctor did blood tests and said they were higher than should be, so she said pred was the only medication that would help.
After reading the leaflet i went back to her, because my sister has bi-polar, and my mum developed mental [problems when my dad died suddenly.
My doctor said they would monitor me and told my hubby to watch for signs,
My worry is if i had to increase my pred (due to GCA, which i do have symptoms - pain over forehead, temple pain, cheek pain, and a cough)
would they be able to treat me, and i know my hubby would not be able to cope.
Yes i know there are people worse off then me, and i thank god when i wake up on a morning and have another day to look forward too.
I have learned a lot from this forum, and all you lovely people are helpful, i am coping a lot better now and do not panic as much.
At the moment i am still reducing from 10mg to 9mg, and find some days are better than others(if i do too much i suffer, and i know thats my fault)so the next day i rest more.
Well i feel better for talking about this, and i have talked to my doctor who is very understanding about my worries, i feel as if i am in a catch 22 situation.
Sorry for moaning!
2 likes, 21 replies margaret22251
Flutterbie57 margaret22251
Boronia margaret22251
christine51947 margaret22251
margaret22251 christine51947
EileenH margaret22251
In the meantime stop looking too far ahead and guessing what is round a corner. It might be a bridge, it might be a road junction - it might be the end of this path and there is a pub with lovely tables outside and a lovely guestroom upstairs for you to take a holiday before coming home, back to normal.
I know what you are like - my MIL was just the same, she panicked about so many things that never happened and made today's life harder than it needed to be. I also realise it is difficult to ignore these fears. But you have done so well this far - keep taking it one day at a time and cross any bridges when they appear.
gail2910-US-MI EileenH
Posted EileenH
There's a really cheery article in one of the UK papers today about how the world using more water than is being stored in the aquifers. France is one of the "at risk" countries. It's all very green here this year and the rivers seem very full - and we haven't had anything like the rain southern Germany has had thank goodness.
margaret22251 EileenH
EileenH margaret22251
You are doing so well Margaret - onwards and upwards (not in pred dose though!)
Flutterbie57 gail2910-US-MI
Posted Flutterbie57
Have fun on your holiday.
Why isn't alcohol advisable? I'm not advocating drinking too much but many people actually find that a moderate intake of acohol helps the pain and stiffness - because it leads to vasodilation and better blood supply to the muscles. I know all the theories about adrenal glands and alcohol and all sorts of other things - but it isn't poor adrenal function that causes PMR. My GP is rheumatology trained - OK we live in Italy and people don't get paralytic here like they do in the UK but in terms of PMR it wasn't stopping alcohol she was keen on but meat. She was horrified at the idea of eating meat every day - she obviously felt once a week was better in rheumatic disease. I haven't cut back that far but I eat very little compared with what I would eat in the UK and definitely compared to what I would eat in the USA, not sure about Australia but I seem to remember a lot of meat being around when I was there.
Flutterbie57 EileenH
Posted EileenH
Too much, according to the experts.😠😠