Merina coil
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hi all im 52 i had a bleed in february gone through menopause 3 years had ultrasound biopsy ect to be told everything was ok but i had thickness of the lining the mernia coil is a option to thin it out i had mine in april does anyone have the coil and has it worked thank you my doctor said it is for 5 years never mentioned any follow up to check
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Klp77 kerry_89290
I had my first Mirena in 2007 due to extremely heavy and painful periods. I am now on my 3rd. I think I had a follow up check after getting it back in 2007, but other than when I've had it replaced or when I've had smear tests I haven't had any other checks. Mine only last about 4.5 years and now I'm on HRT I've been told to get it changed every 4 years.
And it has definitely worked for me. I basically haven't had a bleed since the day I got it (other than a bit of very light spotting when it needs replacing) and it totally got rid of the horrendous pain I suffered each month. It even got rid of (most of) the monthly mood swings. Now I'm on HRT I only need oestrogen rather than a combination as the Mirena provides the progesterone.
I will admit to HATING having it changed due to it being painful, but as I have the same problem when I'm having a smear test I think its just down to my insides being a bit dodgy.
kerry_89290 Klp77
thank you for your comment mine is for hyperplasia which can lead to womb cancer i wonder if merina works to thin out my lining
kim35797 kerry_89290
Hi Kerry Ive had the merina for 9 months ive had spotting all the through but the last few weeks ive had a period but everyone is different
kerry_89290 kim35797
hi kim mine was put in for hyperplasia which can led to womb cancer i need to know if anyone else had this problem after having no periods and going thru meno thank you
MadDawney kerry_89290
hi kerry. i had the mirena coil fitted in august this year for the same reason as you. i had been post menopause for 4 years when i started having bleeding issues. i had an ultrasound and a vaginal scan then a biopsy as it showed thickening of the womb lining. the mirena was recommended for up to four years to thin the lining. i have to have follow up biopsies every four to six months, so am expecting the call any time soon. hopefully it will do the job. if not it will probably mean a hysterectomy. hope this helps x
kerry_89290 MadDawney
thank you for your comment i asked my coil nurse after my 6 months check about a review with the doctor for a scan i was told the coil was good for 5 years nothing else needed has cancer was not found no need to rescan so confused as everything i have read says a repeat scan and biopsy looks like i will have to go private 😦
heather29740 kerry_89290
I too got the merina coil fitted this year. When i got the coil fitted i also got a polyp removed under general anaesthetic.
On a different matter i had this done and have not heard or seen a doctor since, they never came to see me and explain what would happen next. I was given a leaflet and it said there might be some random bleeding for a couple of months, i got it fitted in May and bled for a wee while. I also had a random bleed in August which was just for half a day. My practice nurse said that sometimes happens because my body is getting hormones from the coil.
I dont know if my womb thickness has changed i was never told that they would check. Maybe that's just my nhs authority.
Hope you get all your questions answered........Heather
kerry_89290 heather29740
thank you for your comment looks like i will have to pay to get answers has my gp has not bothered to follow up with me
heather29740 kerry_89290
My consultant at the hospital didnt bother either and the doctors dont give a s**t anymore that is why the casualty department at hospitals are so busy.
My practice has a nurse for everything and that sounds great but they aren't the same.
Sorry fir moaning but it all really gets on my nerves.
kerry_89290 heather29740
my nurse at doctors is great but yep bot the same heather for sure
MadDawney kerry_89290
hi again. are you in the UK? if so, i would try getting your gp to refer you back to the gynae as I'm sure they ought to be checking every six months or so to check whether the lining is thinning, rather than just wait 4-5 years until the coil is removed, and then find the lining is still thick. i wish you well. x
kerry_89290 MadDawney
thank you ive had appointment with nurse she is asking the doctor to refer me as im so anxious tried to reassure me that the coil thins out lining and biopsy showed nothing untowards along with blood tests lining was under 10 mm which is thick but she as known many ladies with 15 up to 25 all round so fingers crossed its doing its job
heather29740 MadDawney
As mentioned in an earlier post i have had no further contact from the gynae department and i had a polyp removed as well as getting the coil fitted.
I live in the UK and was told five years as well and totally left to just get on with it.
I have a question to ask , i have never used any contraception until i was fitted with the coil , so can you get side effects from this as you never know as there are so much problems that come with menopause.
Hope you are all well......Heather
kerry_89290 heather29740
hi heather my first time to with coil only had it because they want to thin my lining out i only had in 7 months touch wood i feel great ive had no bleeding since august coil in place last check i just need to know its working good luck with everything
MadDawney heather29740
I also never had a coil until august this year. i bled quite a bit for the first couple of weeks after having it fitted, but have had no other side effects. Just hoping it is doing the job of thinning out the womb lining. The consultant who fitted it did tell me I would need further biopsies every six months . i assumed that would be to make sure things weren't turning cancerous and that the womb lining was thinning. hope all works out well for everyone x
kerry_89290 MadDawney
thank you also good luck may god bless us and pray the coil works xx
kerry_89290 MadDawney
hi ladies so im am shocked to learn a lady i know as been told she has 1a stage womb cancer they are using the merina coil as the first line of treatment as it keeps cancer at bay who knew something so small could work they must have faith in it i guess prayers for us all amen
kim35797 kerry_89290
wow i didnt realise that mirena coil can help keep cancer at bay
kerry_89290 kim35797
yes kim i joined a facebook group for hyperplasia and the merina coil hundreds of ladies with real life stories not goggle i was amazed so they must have faith it works as some have pre cancer gives me hope it will work on my lining god bless us all amen