Metamucil / high fibre diet having opposite effect

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Hi all, I know this is something that's been discussed a lot, and that everyone's responses to diets will be different, but I'm having real trouble getting the right consistency stool (in my current state I'd prefer them to be fairly loose).

Here are some things that I tried:

(I maintained high water intake with all of these)

– Moderate amount of metamucil (2 caps 3 times per day), with normal diet (not particularly high fibre). Worked ok but results were very varied.

– Going big on metamucil (like 6 tables three times per day). Created huge stools which made fissure worse.

– After this, I went back to 2 caps 3 times per day, and then upped my insoluble fibre a lot, prunes, kiwis, chia, flax seed, everything. This was a disaster, and created rock solid, dry stools.

– After this I introduced Movicol (1 sachet in the evening), and this made things better, but I don't wont to have to take this every day for the rest of my life.

I'm now recovering from a triple hemorrhoidectomy which was a world of pain, so I am really trying to sort my diet out going forward. I'm wondering if fibre isn't the answer....interestingly I was travelling in Central Asia for work a few months back and my diet was terrible (white rice and red meat), and with the movicol and moderate amount of metamucil things were the best they've been in a while.

I'm wondering if fat, oil etc has more of an effect than fibre does? There are a lot of high fibre skeptics out there but it seems to come from a kind of pseudoscience position.

If anyone has any thoughts or similar experiences I'd be very interested to hear them!


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    too much fibre = bulky stools

    too much water = peeing a lot = loss of electrolytes = constipation

    have you tried magnesium oxide or citrate supplements?

    i used to take 375mg daily and it worked very well for me. i wish someone had told me earlier about how well magnesium works! it allows you to relax on your diet too. you don't have to be as strict when you take magnesium.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, I haven't tried magnesium citrate, good to know!

      I haven't found any info on drinking too much water causing constipation, but I have read about how electrolyte loss (specifically potassium), can cause constipation, and also how drinking too much water can lead to electrolyte loss, so I think you are onto something, thanks!

      For anyone else reading, apparently straw coloured is the goal – clear pee is a sign that you're overdoing it.

  • Posted

    Yes, I had the same problem. Most people said eat MORE fiber and that caused humongous stools which aggravated the problem. I take 200 to 300 mg of Magnesium citrate most of the days, eat little bit insoluble fiber (brown rice, quinoa), proteins, loads of evoo, leafy vegetables, lots of water , and 2 prunes a day. Keeps my stools soft and easy to pass.

    Walking also helps and warm sitz bath .

    Hope you feel better.

  • Posted

    hi ASH, i saw on this site someone swearing by drinking or eating plenty of olive oil completely fixed their issues.... worth a try. i would try a s**t sandwich if i was told it would help when i was at my worst!!

    • Posted

      Ha ha yes I hear you, I'm giving the oil olive a go...thanks!

  • Posted

    I totally agree. i had a LIS suregy about a 1 year ago and the pain has not gone away completely . So i have been watching my diet very carefully and i noticed the same thing. Too much fibre gives me a hard poop as well. when i was in south east Asia i had no problems. I am back and my issues have started again. The only thing that was different there was i was eating a lot of cooked vegetables instead of salads and raw veggies eating those might be helpful. I also take fish oil, Aloe vera pulp and metamucil.

    Hope this helps and you feel better

    • Posted

      thanks - that's interesting about cooked vs raw vegetables. I wonder if it has something to do with fat content again, with most vegetables being fried or roasted in oil and softened. I think that chilli and a lot of spices used in south asian cooking also have a laxative effect. What's interesting is that none of this is part of the conventional wisdom surrounding the topic.

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