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Hey Cushies.

Just a quick one. I’ve been put on metformin for type 2 diabetes (courtesy of the Cushing’s) & my endiocrinologist is reducing the steroids that I’m on for the Crohn’s. Since starting them my stomach has been so bad. Not sure if it’s the metformin or the steroid reduction & crohns kicking off again (Lord I hope not!)!

Anyone else on metformin & suffered the same side effects? 

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4 Replies

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    I just saw my new endo yesterday and we discussed the high glucose i have, we are just testing me for 6 weeks on whether to use that pill. She stated that for a week or two you would have stomach cramps and feel bad but that it would balance out, if by 3 or 4 weeks you still hurt then you would maybe need to stop it and change med. Cushings can cause diabetes...i had a 299 glucose read and i told the dr that was a fluke, as i was right my first check this morning my glucose was 155, half that. Hang in there, i know the frustration. I have saliva cortisol testing tp do, my issue may be residual cells in my putuitary area and may need radiation. Or it could be a ectopic tumor which could be anywhere, possiblity of maybe needing adrenal gland removal. So my issues never end. Been doing this since 1989, first pituitary surgery. Coming jp now on 30 years. Im the worst case scenario. Many get diagnosed and recover quickly. Its the quick diagnosis that makes the big dufference.
    • Posted

      Thanks cyclic. This disease is such an butt & I’m sorry you’re still going through all this. You sound like me with my crohns, 30 years and still battling with the nonsense. 

      I’m having a ct of my adrenals done & my pituitary bloods have come back high but not so high that there’s a tumour (so my gp says) but to me high of high but who am I to know lol... 

      they’ve been checking my glucose levels for about 3 months now & finally started me on the met but it’s making me feel yukky. Add to that I’m reducing my steroids so worried it’s the crohns kicking in or also the risk of adrenals crashing cos of the steroid reduction. I’m moving house next wk (in to my own place after 3 years of me & my 2 daughters living with my parents) and I’m dreading it as feel so poorly still & with a 2 year old to contend with solo it scares me (not that that’s relevant to the topic so apologies on rambling!) Thank u again for your reply, I appreciate it as always & hope you get fixed soon xxx 

  • Posted

    Not on metformin so can't help there.  I think I mentioned BUSCOPAN for stomach cramps, really brilliant.  Do ask your GP if you can take it.

    • Posted

      Hey Vicky 

      I’ve been on buscopan since April, 2 pills 3 times a day (4 if required). Doesn’t make that much difference. Apparently there’s a bug going round so it may well be that.. who knows lol?! 🤷🏻???

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