Methotrexate linked to premature menopause??
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At 23 I was told I'd had a premature menopause. Having had no symtoms apart from absence of periods, I was shocked to hear it, especially as it did not run in my family at all. Just a year and a half before this news, I'd taken myself off methotrexate taken as treatment for my psoriasis. I'd been on it for 2 years, and before that, went through years of topical steroids and UVA treatment etc.
My period absences only occurred whilst I was on methotrexate and obviously after I'd come off it.
I have mentioned this methotrexate to my gp's, and (nhs) specialists, and they have casually dismissed it as being irrelevant, and in fact, no one has ever queried why at all a girl in her early 20's would come to experience this.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar after taking methotrexate, or even a lot of steroid creams??
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Because I am 47 I am being told that its probably the 'change' (isnt everything at my age!!!!). I dont have ANY other symptoms that say I am going through the menopause.
However they have decided to take me in and have a look to make sure its nothing else AND to fit the coil :shock: to try and regulate the bleeding.
Most of the docs I have spoken too have 'poo poo'ed' the methotrexate link
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At 41, I have also just been through the menopause. My oldest sister is 52, and she hasn't reached hers yet, my mother went through hers at 54.
My rheumatologist in Swansea has told me that although some research finds that \"autoimmune disorders and immunosuppressants are common causes for early menopause\", but that \"methotrexate, at the dosages recommended in rheumatology, is not known to be a common cause of early menopause\", but agrees that \"early menopause is common for patients taking high doses of methotrexate for chemotherapy\".
I was warned not to become pregnant while taking methotrexate because it causes birth defects. I was not warned that there was even a slight chance of early menopause as a side effect of this drug. I expect that many cases of early menopause from this drug (and others?) are not being reported because patients are not given the information to make the connection with the drug, or lump this problem with the rest of their arthritis symptoms. The experiences here are showing a problem is there.
I hope some Doctor reads this and looks into the connection, and that a proper warning can be given to women in future.
I'm on medication to stop my periods. I am also now on my 2nd week of Methotrexate to treat psoriasis. Strange because i now am having a period. So i reckon methotrexate does mess with periods.
My period absences only occurred whilst I was on methotrexate and obviously after I'd come off it.
I have mentioned this methotrexate to my gp's, and (nhs) specialists, and they have casually dismissed it as being irrelevant, and in fact, no one has ever queried why at all a girl in her early 20's would come to experience this.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar after taking methotrexate, or even a lot of steroid creams??[/quote:62ef6d6b92]
I was on it for Crohn's Disease and have been off for 8 months because it stopped my period all together.
I am 31 and my doctors also dismiss it as nothing when my period has always been like clockwork since 12. It has still not returned. I wish you well.
I'm aged 39 and have been told today that I am going through an early menopause and prescribed HRT. I have been on methotrexate for at least 5 years - maybe longer. I have never been aware of a possible link before, but am interested in doing a little more research now! I also take enbrel, sulphasalazine and arcoxia. Any more information/advise on RA/early menopause/HRT gratefully accepted!
I'm 46 and have been taking meth for the past 11 months to treat psoriasis. Everything's cool until four weeks ago I started to bleed after intercourse. I've had my periods twice this month. I wonder what is wrong with me now. Am I reaching premenopausal stage? My mom had her last period in her 50s. Could meth be responsible for this?