Methyl Folate
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Hey ladies, how much B12 should a woman (say "44" years of age) take, and how much D3 and do you have to take Calcium with D3. Also, my Doctor has prescribed me L- Methylfolate (a pharmaceutical grade nutrient, right?). Has anyone had any experience with this? And lastly, to anyone suffering from insomnia, Melatonin is so worth your time and effort to see if it works for you. I take 5mg at night on nights where I can't sleep, and it does the trick. If I take 2-5mg pills, I'm a little groggy the next day, but if the insomnia is severe enough 2-5mg is the max I have to go with Melatonin. I was shocked when I tried it and it worked for me. I thought, here, after all these years, I've heard so much about it but never tried it, I had actually even tried other sleep aids, and this--as a natural supplement--has worked wonders for me, especially during PMS(DD), when insomnia hits like a MAC truck.
If you haven't ready any of my posts prior to this, I believe that I am in Perimenopause. I am scheduled to see a BHRT Specialist very soon. I live in a small town, so I had to do plenty of research and have had to wait a little longer than probably most would have to in a larger city. At any rate, Perimenopausal Insomnia has become an issue from time-to-time and the Melatonin is a godsend. So, give it a try if you're struggling. If we don't get our rest, nothing will repair itself and we'll continue to feel run down, not ourselves, so don't forget how important your rest is. As well as remaining hydrated. I have returned to drinking plenty of water throughout my days. I like to infuse it with fresh orange/lemon slices, mint and ginger, it breaks up the monotony and just tastes great!
It took me a long time to admit to myself that, I do believe, I'm in Perimenopuase (which you can remain in for up to 10 years before entering Menopause!). After I began doing research, I finally started to figure out that everything I've been dealing with seemed related, and "a-ha," the light bulb sort of just went off one day. Honestly, feels like the day I turned "44," I went ... you know, I think there's something to this. I'm interested in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (because I don't believe my hormones have EVER been balanced, I feel as if this is the crux of my issues, entirely), and it is because of my research and my interest in BHRT, that I am set to see a BHRT Specialist. I'm not messing around with this quick-to-anger strange personality that comes over me, or this "blah-mood," that bleakons everything in my day, or this anxiety that crawls out of nowhere, or the iriitability that sneaks up on me. I feel like a raging bitch most the time. And a weeping willow at other times. Like I said, if this can last up to 10 years (I think I've already suffered a few years in), then I just can't ... I need to believe there's hope, and more answers in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Sending you all positive vibes, hoping your worries and woes are worked out, and SOON! Peace.
MoonLeaf ~
2 likes, 6 replies
dee53012 MoonLeaf
Yes, menopause takes a while from start to finish. I am 57 and hoping this is the last year. Of course I have said that since I was 40. I went about 9 months with no cycle, then about 3 or 4 months back, I had the cycle from hell. Start Over. NOOO!!! LOL
annieschaefer MoonLeaf
Oh for heaven's sakes, not sure why the mod has held up my comments. I simply was wondering if you had been tested for the need to take that form of folate? I have been tested and you may want to inquire if the BHRTs are ok to work with. If the mod actually frees up my originial post you will understand better.
I wasn't mentioning brand names of any sort just a condition that can indicate a need for folate. Hope you get to read it.
Best wishes,
MoonLeaf annieschaefer
Hi, there!
Yes, bloodwork was done, but I don't recall what my levels were. I hadn't even begun researching things like I do now. I just recently had newer labs done, as well. And, the L-Methylfolate is recommended at 15mg/once a day. Sure is pricey, too. I noticed a BHRT Specialist can get fairly pricey, as well. My new insurance doesn't kick in for a few months still which is most frustrating. Now that I'm settled upon getting more answers, I'm like a dog in heat, I want them NOW. I don't want to go through what I went through a few weeks back with the "outa-nowhere anxiety and anger." It was truly awful.
Hope I get to read your main comments/responses. Thank you for taking the time! I appreciate that.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
bobbysgirl MoonLeaf
Don't reckon much to calcium supplements at all. Most are not readily absorbed and can end up clogging your arteries. Much better to eat calcium-rich food. Let plants take up the minerals, then eat the plants!
I take 1000iu Vit D3 WITH Vit K2. The K2 helps D3 absorbtion. I don't take B12. I do take B3. Also take magnesium malate, good for all sorts of reasons and helps me relax (and sleep)
maureen12052 MoonLeaf
MoonLeaf maureen12052
Anytime, Maureen! This forum is a such a gift. SO much good information. This is how we learn, as women, by word of mouth amongst one another. Most supportive group I've found. Just lovely.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...