Microscopic blood in urine
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HI GIRLS!! Have any of you girls had this,, have had this for 4 years all the way through peri... The doctors are going to ck this more thorough,, I'm glad I guess just feel like a pin cushion, with testing everything in the world...blood pressure, blood sugar, immune system disfunction from all these hormones... reactivation of my epstein barre on and on....xxxx
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charcey97 Beverlys1
Oh yes. I've had this for a couple years now off and on. Trace blood in my urine. They have never been too concerned about it though and it has never been more than "trace". My physician said it is fairly common. Interesting that this happened at the start of peri for me too!
sakura26 Beverlys1
Same. One doctor freaked me out about it, but it was nothing after my test, and is REALLY common according to my OBGYN. A lot of harmless things can cause trace blood in your urine, like dehydration or certain supplements and medications.
Beverlys1 sakura26
Thank you for replying ladies,, I think this is kinda scary and all the girls that have gone through this out there really need our input....would love to hear how many of us there are!!xxxx
Sassyr12a Beverlys1
Hi Beverly
Yes, had this on and off for a few years but when they test for cultures it is always negative. I believe its linked to menopause because the urethra shrinks and it can lead to inflammation. I just drink plenty, and occasionally take demanose which is a supplement. If all else fails I use over the counter cystitis treatment which helps to calm it. Have to say though, it's been so much better since I started taking hrt xx
sakura26 Sassyr12a
Did you gain weight on HRT?
2chr2015 Sassyr12a
hi sassy. did the microscopic blood went away once you started hrt?
i have also had this. totally freaked me out.
Sassyr12a sakura26
Hi sakura
I've tried bhrt and hrt and haven't gained weight with either. Since last year though I've stuck to a healthy low fat diet, and I'm probably more active than I've ever been so it seems to stay off for me xx
Sassyr12a 2chr2015
Hi 2chr
Yes it went away. Without hrt I had all the symptoms of uti, aching, going to the loo more, urgency and a bit of peeing my pants... On hrt I don't get any of that or very rarely. Xx
Beverlys1 Sassyr12a
Thanks for your reply Sassy I wasn't thinking that direction but I bet you are right,, some pelvic floor stuff has also been going on,, I also never have an infection or anything i take cranberry to try to keep things healthy in that area and also lots of probiotics...What is in the demanose??? as i know alot about vitamins and herbs,, but not this one???
2chr2015 Sassyr12a
thanks sassy. i wondered if hrt would help with the urgency and stress incontinence. Mine isn't terrible, but i thought it was worse a couple of days before my period started. So yea, makes sense that it is hormone related too...I mean obviously after three kids things aren't as strong down there, but i didn't have any issues until i started all of this. Thanks for replying!
Sassyr12a 2chr2015
Yes it definitely helps. I adopted a child and still got the incontinence, so I'm guessing hormone related π
Sassyr12a Beverlys1
Sorry for the delay Beverly. Demanose is a potent cranberry vitamin which my homeopath recommended. It was super expensive and probably to take enough of it to make a difference would cost a bit. It's so common in meno though and can be a real drag xx
Beverlys1 Sassyr12a
Hi,, Did the potency appear to help you?? I dont mind the cost, just wanting to get rid of this inflammation, Im sure that is what it is!!! Thank you Sassy!!!XXXX
Sassyr12a Beverlys1
Hiya Beverly
Tbh I can't say it made a huge difference for me, but I don't think I took enough for long enough. I trust my homeopathic with anything though, she's a great friend too and she is far more clued up than meπ The biggest game changer was the hrt really and the cystitis relief to alleviate some of the ache and inflammation. I think the Dmannose stops the inflammation caused by e-coli, but if your problem is down to hormones it may be that you need hrt.... Have you tried? Xx
Beverlys1 Sassyr12a
HI,, I take bio identicals so we will see!!! THANKS FOR ALL THE GOOD INFO...XXX