Middle abdominal pain accompanied by right and left abdominal pain occasionaly

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I can feel like an enlarged tube just under my rib cage and  it pains when I bend and press it. It's accompanied by Right side abdominal pain and left abdominal pain sometime. I consulted a doctor He thinks it's GERD and didn't investigate further .But It doesn't go away. What may be the reason sad

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello mahbub,

    This sounds just like IBS. My consultant who carried out my colonoscopy said that men seem to get pain on the left side and women seem to get pain on the right side, however, I am male and have had pain on both sides but mainly on the left. The consultant had no idea what this was all about.

    Don't worry about the feeling that your colon feels too big or swollen this is classical IBS just like it feeling saggy or if it hurts when you lay on your side. It's a damn nuisance but it will not kill you.

    Don't get too stressed about it because worry and stress make the whole thing worse.

    Take it easy mahbub and I hope you feel better soon.


    • Posted

      Thanks a lot Robert for your info and suggestion. Hope You're right..btw  I'll consult a Gastro Liver specialist very soon... Hope everything will be ok
  • Posted

    Hi Mahbub. I hope you feel better soon.

    GP's find abdominal pain is difficult to diagnose becuase it may be several things. I am not surprised your GP hasn't helped; as they ALWAYS want you to change your diet.  So it could be gallbladder, intestine, kidney, bladder, pancreas..

    I want to reassure you that a lot of people suffer with right sided pain; as did i; and though it very serious; i found out it was bladder and kidney related; and a change of diet DID assist. the body and absorption is fairly complex.

    Please refrain from caffinated drinks for a while (these overload the system and can cause you retain fluid in your bladder while you believe you have emptied your bladder).. i only found out from a test after i had emptied my bladder that it was still quite 'full'.. this affected my kidneys.  Drink a little water; go on a liquid fast till your bladder is empty.   This will assist the kidney (which filters toxins).

    the next hting is to change your diet for a time; to promote/ assist the gallbladder and the bowel. You need to ingest things that contain water; with antioxidants so you need to eat things like carrots (raw carrots with onion and garlic dip- anti inflammatory) and eat anti oxidant foods)..Beetroot is also good; but may turn your urine pink!!! Try drinking a small amount of tomato juice with turmeric ; iron with anti inflammatory; eat yoghurts and red grapes (assist the filtering of toxins to make life easier on your kidneys)..

    Reduce sugar intake. Reduce salt intake where possible to prevent fluid retention. Cut out alcohol for a while.  

    There are plenty of other anti oxidants available, i have written some of the ones i use. It would be helpful to me (and others) if you could post back whether a change of diet has helped.

    It could also be other things; like a stone or something and therea are some natural ways to try and expel these; however if you try and discern whether it is 'liquid' ;  we still cannot definately say whether it is the bowel or the kidney etc.. so sometimes we don't always get a complete answer; but we can make it more bearable and help the body to recover...

    i hope this goes someway to helping you rid the pain ; as that is an awful way to live and GP's can't see pain.. which doesn't help anyone#!!!

    • Posted

      My pain is not severe it just comes  last for 2-3 days and goes away. What makes me feel worried that the pain is tender to touch I mean  when I just press in the abdomen just under 3" under the abdomen..it creates severe pain. I'm assuming I may have problem with the Gallbladder and I'm going to tell my GP When I meet him again
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      oops  3" under the right rib cage
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    hi mahbub. I understand. It is always challenging. a natural Gallbladder cleanse might be an option too; good luck with the GP.. smile i hope it gets better soon.
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      I consulted with the GP today...  after checking he thinks it's just infection in the food pipe and prescribed me Antibiotics & some IBS related medicine... he still feel it's very normal to have such problems

      and advised me not to worry about this

  • Posted

    O.K  I have done my Colonoscopy,Endoscopy,X-ray,Ultrasonogram the previous day..Nothing showed up except Gastritis And a bit Fatty Liver.... Feeeling relieved now... Thanks to all

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