Middle-Upper Abdominal/Upper Left Pain and Nausea
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My 18 year old daughter has been having constant upper abdominal pain and upper left pain since the end of February. She also is nauseas and feeling like throwing up. This pain is a constant achy pain but increases. When her pain level gets to a 7 or above we usually end up in the hospital. We have gone to the ER 16 times since the middle of March. Her GI surgeon and her GI doctor have done every test on her and cannot find anything. Our family doctor thinks there is an adhesion and has discussed it with our surgeon but he doesn't think so since all other tests have shown nothing. He thinks checking for adhesions could cause more issues. I will back up and give a little history on my daughter. She has ulcerative colitis. She had a surgery where they removed her colon and rectum and created a j-pouch in August, a bag for 10 weeks and then the take down surgery in November. She was doing great for 3 months until the end of February, then she started having the pain problems and Nausea. She is seeing a pain management doctor but the medicines do not help. Now her pain doctor is going to do a celiac pain block to see if it helps. I just feel like something has been missed! They have done all tests possible. Upper and lower GI, blood work, ct scan, MRI, mrinterography , colonoscopy. Does anyone have any answers or suggestions for my daughter??
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Bori sandykay
sandykay Bori
I have a lot of faith in her surgeon, he has done a great job so far but I have wondered if she needs to see a different GI doctor. She is at the age to transition over to an adult GI and maybe that's we need to do. She is also currently having alot of issues with cysts on her ovaries so the GI surgeon has talked with my daughter's Gynecologist about looking into endometriosis possibly causing the upper pain but she didn't think that was the issue either. Not sure where to turn?? Last night we had another trip to the ER at 1:30 in the morning! Her pain level was at a 9!
HumanBeing sandykay
Another possibility is the medication she must have been given before like antibiotics and pain killers. These all cause stomach pain and the cause do not appear on any diagnostic tests. If she has difficulty digesting food meaning that she can feel the food not digested after hours of eating it then it could be Gastroperasis.
HumanBeing sandykay
pippa58442 sandykay