Migraine auras and pain left side head..
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Hello ladies I was wondering if any of you experience this? I had an episode of migraine auras coming into menopause and then nothing, but two yeara in I am having watery heavy eyea again and a bout of migraine auras with heavy eye pain but I am having a niggly dull pain occasionally on the left side of head, not sharp pain just a dull ache now and then and wonder if it's all connected x
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Sochima822 pinkcatfairy
Hi Pink, I had these too. But, I never made the connection that the dull side pain with thobbing at times, was related to my eyes or my auras. I mostly felt it on my parietal bone a bit slightly back. That's the big side bone on your left or right side of your skull. Since I didn't know what it was, and it felt weird, I took aspirin for it, thinking that it would help thin my blood and hopefully it would resolve the issue. It worked and I never got it again. But I only took the aspirin when I felt the throbbing.
Another issue associated with pain on the top of the head is tooth problems and on the side could also be sinus problems. Since I suffered from silent migraines, I took the aspirin in hopes that my veins would stop constricting and help calm down the inflammation.
If you have any other questions let me know. xx
pinkcatfairy Sochima822
Sochima822 pinkcatfairy
Takingtime pinkcatfairy
Hi Pink, Although migraines and pain in general is highly assosiated with menopause and perimenopause. I do enjoy these sights as it is a reassurance that we are not alone. One thing I do though that I think we all should do is instead of relying on others to confirm what we are feeling is menopause and that is get checked out. Not to scare any of you, but a friend of mine suffered onset of migranes that became quite severe, her doctor said it was menopause without doing testing, she was feeling no relief so she went back and got a second opinion to her eye doctor, tests were done, next thing you know she is in emergency surgery for a brain tumor and now is fighting for her life. I would suggest if you haven't already see your doctor and eye doctor before concluding it is menopause. Quite often it is eye doctors that find something abnormal if there is something. Again not here to scare, our bodies are definately changing with the lack of hormones and the weird fluctuations, but I believe ruling out anything abnormal is a good thing instead of assuming, it also give you piece of mind too
pinkcatfairy Takingtime
Thanks for your reply. I did have migraine auras alot going into meno and had eye tests done etc, just failing eyesight due to age was found, they did trail off but coming back now. I wouldnt say it is intense migraines just the eye pain after an aura and over forehead. I do not get sick with them. I will say recently I have been suffering bad allergies and I wonder if these could be triggering them. I had one this morning after a coffee but they dont always happen when having a coffee! X
Takingtime pinkcatfairy
Yes sinus can definately be the cause, especially feeling like a dull ache and pressure. I have found that my sinuses have become more easily aggravated since perimenopause. Sinuses have been a weak spot since I was a kid. I am glad your are not having severe pain. Anything that is unbearable, you feel dizzy, lose balance, or you feel something isn't right, that is the sign to get checked out. Best o luck to you. This change of life is quite the journey.
pinkcatfairy Takingtime
Thanks for your reply yes peri/meno is quite a journey x