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Hello ladies, here I go again.......ive always had migraines but since the menopause they are different, ( post total hysterectomy ) . I always used to get them on the right side of my head and they were just terrible lasting three or four days but these days they are on the left side and after the last phase of the migraine I get horrible almost painful tingling in the left side of my face that radiates into my nose, it goes away after a day or so but leaves me absoloutley shattered. I used to take sumatriptan but they don't have the same effect anymore. Does anyone else get anything like this ? X
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brendababy Fairy28
But now the migraines have changed, they are severe causing nausea and vomiting, tingling in my face, hands, feet, dizziness and the naramig now makes me feel ill
I used to be able to go to work with a migraine knowing when I took my Triptan that within a couple of hours the pain would be gone, now I can't do anything just have to wait it out
I really can empathise with you Lou but my best advice is things will get better once all of the hormones eventually settle down, it's a nightmare I know but it's temporary you'll get through it, try and not stress about symptoms and sensations
Sending you a big hug
Brenda xx
Fairy28 brendababy
maxinecarla brendababy
brendababy maxinecarla
Brenda xx
maxinecarla brendababy
brendababy maxinecarla
Brenda xx
maxinecarla Fairy28
They don't sell the tincture in shops but you can get it online. Good luck with it xx
Fairy28 maxinecarla
KMRC Fairy28
Fairy28 KMRC
KMRC Fairy28