Migraines and HRT
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HRT has been amazing in giving me my life back after curing all my menopause symptoms such as memory loss, mood swings and night sweats, but it has given me a very unwanted symptom, migraines. My GP has told me that I will now have to come off of the HRT as it could cause a stroke. This has depressed me as I run a business on my own and know that the menopause symtoms will make this impossible. I don't know what to do. Please can anyone offer advise?
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natacha66 maxinecarla
I came off HRT 2 weeks ago and I can say I feel the same. The first week was a bit tough but now I am back to normal. It is just like after having a baby. While pregnant u glow and after pregnancy u shrivel like a prune.
After a few weeks your body adjusts again.
I know it is uncomfortable and a pain but it does go. I haven't even lost my libido thank God for that!!
maxinecarla natacha66
natacha66 maxinecarla
At the end of the day we are women and we have to put up with so much in this life. It's not enough to be a woman, carry kids, deal with periods for years, mood swings, hormones.
Seems that when we were created it wasn't really thought through. If God is a man ( as most people do believe him to be) you can understand why all the problems. Men honestly get away with loads when you think of it. Women were created to have children and look after the home while men to work and fight wars. Not really thought through. But the key point here is that women have always been stronger and more sage. We can multitask, have kids,hold the fort at home and work. At least that's what I do with no husband. My ex hasn't been in the picture or in my kids life for over 7 years. Nonetheless we carry on.
I always compare men to a computer. When u get a PC it is gorgeous, fast, reliable, works well, so many features to use and abuse. Thing is like any men it starts slowing down after a while and showing defects. Hahahah. PC's ingenious idea but created by men. Put a woman's touch in it will be a whole different story.
I am not against men, don't get me wrong. After 47 years on this planet I met the love of my life, a me as a man. Has common sense, sees things how they are and has been ever so supportive ever since I got my abnormal scan result. Is coming with me to my hysteroscopy on the 2nd and loves me to bits and my girls like him a lot. But it was by the off chance that he walked into my life, when I least expected it. After 7 years of a dry spell. But this dry spell gave me time to focus on my girls and help them grow into the wonderful companions and women they are today.
Yes we go through a lot us women but there is a reason why we were created this way. It is because it is well known that we can carry the burdens of this world over our shoulders.
So never give up.
This is what I tell my students in the master I teach, my teenage students that come to settle in the UK. I guide them and prepare them for life, I don't only teach them the subjects.
So have faith all will be well.
A bit of a lecture here but I hope it helps.
colleen90305 natacha66
Funny you say that about Men. I always say if men were the ones who conceived and carried a child, humans would be close to extinction! Lol! I agree that when God created the women, he got something wrong which leads me to believe God is a man! Also, why does the word menopause have the word Men in it? I think menses should have been a man's role in life.
natacha66 colleen90305
Because we give a pause to men while going through it and it is our chance to drive them mad.
colleen90305 natacha66
alison28608 maxinecarla
alison28608 maxinecarla
natacha66 alison28608
What about your diet?
Have u cut caffeine, alcohol, fasts food, junk food?
Do u smoke?
Have u thought of meditation? There's a rat app called Calm.
Do u do any sports? I walk the dog for about 5km every other day.
Do not let menopause over take your life.
You are a strong woman. Try natural
Remedies. Go for massages. Pamper yourself.
Positivity is a must. Do not let it over take your life. I am here for whatever u need.
alison28608 natacha66
alison28608 natacha66
alison28608 natacha66
natacha66 alison28608
Oh dear.
You are dreading the side effects of coming off HRT. Which is normal. But remember each individual is different and reacts to things differently. Some women sail through pregnancy, some have the worst time. Some women have no period pains, some are bedridden due to it.
I believe the fact that u are healthy and u walk a lot and run your own business will help a lot. Don't predict the future and suffer in anticipation. For everything there is a solution on life.
You will be fine. Your health is more important than HRT. What good will u be with a stroke?
alison28608 natacha66
alison28608 natacha66
maxinecarla natacha66
maxinecarla natacha66
I eat healthily, I power walk up and hills for 11kms a day, I don't eat fast food, I don't smoke. I do yoga. I had very bad PMS throughout my life my life and now this.
I will try the natural way, get a massage once a week. My GP has suggested a Merina coil, do you know anything about it?
Thank you nataha66 xxx
maxinecarla alison28608
maxinecarla alison28608
alison28608 maxinecarla
maxinecarla alison28608
ahhha, so it's different from me because the HRT is causing the symptom so the Stroke risk is probably higher. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow x
metamorphed maxinecarla
hi maxine
i was interested to read your post. Did you have migraines before starting HRT. I had bad migraine for 4 years which I told doctors at the time was because of my cycle (as usual they didnt listen) and because I was peri-menopausal. Now further down the line, nearing menopause, the migraines don't happen that often, I now have other symptoms and have wanted HRT for a while now. They are concerned because of the migraine history for the same reason you've been given, but I have put it to them that if I had been given hormone replacement during peri when the migraines were at their worst, that it would have helped me. They don't make the connection with these things and I think, that you may need a lower dose or perhaps a different method, patches or gel? They have suggested mirena which is progesterone only, did they say why? Do they think the oestrogen is causing the migraine? this would make sense to me because i was having the difficult migraines during early peri when most of us are oestrogen dominant. As the oestrogen started to drop, so did the migraine.. just wondering why they suggested the mirena?
natacha66 maxinecarla
I think because I have overcome the perimenopause and have been fully menopausal for over 2 years.
I think coming off it was a good move for me, I am feeling good and have good support.
It will be fine.
maxinecarla metamorphed
Hi Metamorphed,
I have suffered in the past from migraines but before starting HRT, I hadn't had one for maybe up to 10 years. Thinking back, I started off with synthetic Oestrogen and only started the migraines when I went on to the patches and they have continued since using the Oestrogen gel. I could go back to synthetic but the reason I stopped it was because my menopause symptoms returned during the 3rd month using it. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow so I will ask about the Mirena coil and how it is supposed to help. I will let you know what she says.
metamorphed maxinecarla
alison28608 maxinecarla
maxinecarla metamorphed
Very good news, my GP has just completed a Menopause course and now knows that HRT does not cause strokes if it causes migraines. The complete opposite of what she told me before. All that worrying for nothing. I am so happy that I can stay on HRT. I forgot to ask her about the coil, but will next time I see her. x
metamorphed maxinecarla
I will mention this to my doctor too.