Migraines still in cycles?

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So I'm told my FSH is high enough to be post-menopausal but my migraines seem to 'cycle' still like when I was still going through a menstrual cycle. That is I have a better 2 weeks with minor headaches only, then I have 7-10days of migraines every day....then I have the better time again...anyone else doing this?

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6 Replies

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    I had migraines for years thru every cycle. After menopause they just stopped. Occasionally they pop up. But generally this could be something to catch very early with migraine meds. Rest in dark room, listen to soft music stay stress free as long as possible and eat foods that don't trigger migraines. 

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    I had migraines. I went no atenolol (smallest dose) as I heard it could prevent migraines. My doctor agreed. It worked! This was when I was 40 and still on it. At first I just had to watch blood pressure (went down to 110/70). Now that I am 57, and much heavier, it's just helping to keep my blood pressure somewhat in contro.l.

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    I have had the same experience, I get about 1 week out of the month that I actually feel a sense of normalcy, I had 3 major surgeries a year ago. 1. Major back surgery 2. Total right hip replacement 3. Female surgery ( polups removed) and although it alleviated a lot of my female issues, it threw me into major menopause, even more intense migraines, throwing up for an entire week. And I have 4 herniated discs in my neck which adds to my migraines, prior to my female surgery I already had migraines !!!!!!!! so now I have to take 2 prescriptions for my migraines and I have to take them as soon as I feel a headache coming on and it doesn't always work, I hope this helps you to feel that your not alone

  • Posted

    Thanks girls....even though I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone, it does help to know I'm not alone in this.

  • Posted

    I have just been diagnosed with migraine associated vertigo. Does anyone else get this. Rather than an aura before the headache I feel off balance? This started as soon as I hit my 40s. Thanks in advance
    • Posted

      Yes I get that too 'vestibular migraine'....not please tell is it....makes the nausea worse and lots of brain fog too

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