mild uti symptoms during long period
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I am 49 years old and have been having prolonged bleeding (21 days) that started with light spotting for 2 weeks and now moderate/heavy bleeding for a week. I feel like I am starting to have mild uti symptoms, almost as if it is right before the onset of UTI. Is this a normal symptom of peri menopause? If yes can this be regulated by HRT or birth control pills?
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Cillablack nectarine
I've been spotting for nearly 4 months now. I'm hoping that it is my age, as I'm 56
Suki_girl nectarine
Irregular, light, heavy, short, prolonged ... you name it ... periods are totally normal for perimenopause. As is spotting. It all becomes totally unpredictable. Make sure you don't get anemic with the extreme blood loss. My GP wouldn't let me go on birth control pills after age 40. Uti symptoms should be solved with HRT - local oestrogen cream applied to the vagina is good for this. If you take oestrogen and progesterone HRT tablets it will produce a regular bleed.
jo4848 nectarine
I've been having similar symptoms for the past 6 months with mid cycle spotting, spotting before and after period also spotting immediately after running. Scared the life out of me. GP thought it's peri but further tests found a fibroid and a polyp and I had a biopsy done to rule things out. I find it really upsetting but this forum is helping me go through it as almost every day I read another story similar to mine.
?I hope you get it sorted xx
Suki_girl nectarine
'Having said' not ''aging said'!