Mini pill
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Hi ladies
My main symptom is dizziness - I feel lightheaded and feel like I am on a boat when I walk. It is there 24/7. I am also extremely out of breath.
I also have nausea which is like being pregnant all over again.
I have had every test known to man and the only thing I have is low ferritin. I am taking 3 iron tablets a day and hope to get my levels up so I know it isn’t the iron causing the issue.
I have had my hormones checked and told they are fine. Not sure what they were. (I am sure I am Peri - I am 45) I have been given the mini pill to level out hormones and hopefully stop me heavy periods.
Does anyone have any experience with the mini pill?
Thank you xxx
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Sassyr12a Louise4586
Hi Louise
I don't have experience of the mini pill sorry, but suffer from low ferritin and it definitely causes breathlessness. I have this again at the moment. It's because of the lower oxygen in the blood but hopefully that will be helped by the iron.... For us both lol xx
audra86673 Sassyr12a
Louise, I second what Sassy has told you. I had very low in range ferritin and had breathlessness, dizzy and fatigue - along with hair falling out, bruising easily, etc. It was awful and scary. I was put in iron pills and it helped. It took me many months taking the iron pills to see an increase in my ferritin levels. I'm still taking my iron 8 mos later. ( I have had iron panel to make sure it was still ok to keep taking the iron as too much can be dangerous) my level now is 55... so much better and definitely in normal range but I want it optimal, so have a little way to go. You didn't mention how long you've been taking your iron supplements but know it can take some time to raise your ferritin level and feel better. Good luck and hang in there.
Louise4586 Sassyr12a
Can I check what level of ferritin was when you symptoms went away?
Guest Louise4586
Hi Louise, I am a dizzy girl too. I was on a combined BCP for 20 yrs, went off last year...then all my peri problems started. Tried to go back on, did not help. I tried the mini pill for a couple of months, sadly, it did not help me with the dizziness. I noticed that it made me very emotional, I would cry over everything. So I stopped it. Of course, we are all different!
That boat or elevator like dizzyness you are getting is anxiety caused by your hormones going crazy. I’m on an AD now and it is helping that awful feeling. I had it 24/7 for the past year. I have to go back to my obgyn and I may give the pill another try now that my anxiety is getting under control.
I have low BP too, which makes things worse. I feel for you, it’s the worst feeling. I couldn’t drive and pretty much stayed home for months because of it.
Also, I bled terrible on the mini pill, clots too. I hope you find some relief, take good care😊
Guest Louise4586
Oops, stupid delete button.... I meant to add “assuming you have been checked for everything else” 😀
Guest Louise4586
Did you ladies get a ferritin test due to low hemoglobin and then it was ordered? I’ve been tested for a zillion things, but never ferritin. My CBC is always normal. Was your CBC abnormal? I’m wondering if I should ask for a ferritin test? My dr is clueless. I have the symptoms but just get told I’m not anemic. 🤔
audra86673 Guest
i had a CBC that showed low hemacrit, low red blood count and very low in range hemoglobin. My Dr then ordered a complete iron panel which showed low iron saturation and the very low in range ferritin. Since my hemoglobin was in lab range I wasn't classified as anemic but iron deficient and started on iron supplements. I was having very heavy periods before being diagnosed and my Dr decided it was heavy menstral bleeding causing it. Since I started my iron supplements I have not had another period. That being the case, we checked my iron levels in June to see how they were adjusting. My levels are normal range now but not optimal so Dr told me to keep taking iron but only take 1 per day now. I also ate lots of iron rich foods ( steak and chicken liver) to help speed up the process. If your Dr will not test for ferritin you can order the test privately. You can certainly be deficient in ferritin and not be anemic but still have symptoms from it. It makes you feel awful. Good luck.
Sassyr12a Guest
Hi Lou
I make them test it whenever I get the symptoms. It's as audra says, I get really paid, tired, breathless and generally wonky. It's awkward when it can easily be the same symptoms as meno so I always assume there's something else until proven otherwise. My ferritin dips regularly because I have an illeostomy, so twice a year I get it tested, but always end up on iron xx
Guest audra86673
Thanks audra and sassy! I sent a message to my drs office. I just had blood taken last week, but he is constantly re running the same things to shut me up. Gosh! I wish I thought of it! I will definitely order privately if he gives me grief. Omg! If he put me on ADs and I’ve been iron deficient this whole time...I’m gonna freak out! One thing at a time though 😀
Sassyr12a Guest
Hi Lou
It's not uncommon unfortunately for ADs to be the go to. If I had a £ every time I was offered treatment for something actually hormone related, I'd be rich. Rule of thumb for me is ill concede it's hormones if nothing else is on the move like fbc, u&e, ferritin, esr/crp..... Then I may agree its hormonal
Guest Sassyr12a
I know. I also think that in my case 20 yrs on oral BCP messed up everything too. Of course, drs look at me like I’m delusional when I say that. What do i know, only inhabited this body for 41 years 🙄 😀
Sassyr12a Guest
Yup, sounds about right lou. I just go with my gut now. I've realised, I may be mad but I still know myself better than anyone.... And I haven't been wrong yet
tina00239 Louise4586
Hi Louise, sounds like you have forward motion sickness, which is related to vertigo, a common symptom of menopause, loads of us on here suffer with it. My Dr gave me Cinnarizine which helps a lot with the nausea and dizziness. It's worth trying. X XX