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dr put me on this hormone patch. when i research it, it says for hot flashes but i dont get those much. i want help for anxiety, fatigue, brain function,feeling unwell
anyone take this and did it help other symptoms?
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Sochima822 kim74983
Hi Kim, you should tell your doctor about this malaise feeling you're having and hopefully he/she can offer you something for it. There are antidepressants you can take but your doctor would have to write it up. They help quell some of the other symptoms you're experiencing. Take care.
kim74983 Sochima822
Sochima822 kim74983
We're all sensitive to meds that don't work for our bodies, but it's just finding the right meds that won't give you side effects. And apparently, they haven't found the right meds ror you. I was having the same issue until my doctor went into a different direction about what meds to give me and finally I wasn't sensitive or reacting to the meds she put me on.
colleen90305 kim74983
Hi Kim, I also have more of the symtoms you have. I called and asked my doc about my estrogen levels. They are still normal, and its my progesterone levels which are low and prob why I don't experience hot flushes. I'm always warm, but I can tolerate that. I read that low estrogen causes the hot flushes. I was prescribed Prometrium, a bio Identical progesterone pill, but have yet to take it. I don't know what I'm afraid of but once I hit PMS, its too late, and really suffer! I can start it this Sunday, and really have to do it this time. I'm tired of the depression, anxiety and esp the loss of ambition! Is the patch you were prescribed Estrogen?
kim74983 colleen90305
colleen90305 kim74983
This peri, and menopause is horrible! I can't believe there are no warnings. I had no idea this maybe coming. My mom didn't suffer with all these symtoms, and my sister, who is older than me, age 50 has nothing and still has her normal cycle. I'm happy for her, but why do some of us suffer so bad???
kim74983 colleen90305
colleen90305 kim74983
No, I'm starting HRT Oct 9th which I was supposed to start 2 months ago. Been on antidepressants, but don't work like they used to before I entered this nightmare. I need my life back, and must give them a try
colleen90305 kim74983
So your your estrogen is low? I judt read that hot flushes are caused from low estrogen. It made sense because it's my progesterone that is low, and my estrogen levels are normal. Having had a partial hysterectomy, I'm guessing your not producing much estrogen
nikiola18292 colleen90305
teresa33877 kim74983
kim74983 teresa33877
sue58256 kim74983
debi62095 kim74983
Its a minefield trying to get the right meds,long haul trial and error unless you are very lucky and find something right away. Yes the fatigue is awful and I'm not sure if lots of rest is good for it as it seems to make it worse.Keep trying all and a good multi vitamin xx