Mirena fitted to assist Menopause?
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Hi - there are simialr threads but love some specific info regarding the Mirena please?
About to have second hysteroscopy and D and C, and due to lining thickening too quickly (suspected from HRT) suggested I have a Mirena inserted at same time as procedure to avoid this again.
Had read lots of bad posts regarding the Mirena, but have to sort this so I can resume some kind of HRT - made me feel so good and going down since stopping it
Thank you to anyone who may have some thoughts or expereince with this.
Enjoy your day everyone, love the support from this amazing site.
Loui x
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Zigangie Rhino2015
So this worries me a little.
I don't know anything about the mirena other than it's some kind of progesterone?
How did you know your lining was thickening, are their symptoms of it?
I've been on HRT 4 months, have a bleed about 7 or 8 days when I take the progesterone. First month fairly heavy for me then taking a day or two longer into the progesterone and becoming lighter, this last month very much as my normal period would have been quite light.
The first two were considerably heavier than the last two.
Rhino2015 Zigangie
Keep you posted,
Loui x
unico31026 Rhino2015
Rhino2015 unico31026
Appreciate you taking the time to post.
unico31026 Rhino2015
Rhino2015 unico31026
If all of us were 100% healthy and care free there would probably be absolutely no-one using these type of forums.
I think they are a great resource for us all - especially people like myself who live so isolated from people and have no family close by.
Thank you,
mandy91562 Rhino2015
Your story is very similar to mine. I too had thickening of endometrium and had lots of polyps. In January I had them removed and a d &c.
My doc recommended a Mirena to keep lining thin which I had done at the same time. Like you I was sceptical but it's been the best decision I've ever made. No bleeding now and moods are improving.
I honestly say don't read the negative stories on the Internet as human nature will always verge on the side of horror stories. I've been happy with mine. Best wishes ❤❤❤
sue976 Rhino2015
i too had the Mirena fitted in March 2014, yes it stopped the heavy periods, but unfortunately for me that was all, I felt awful the whole time, moods, anxiety, lots of bad spots, which I had never suffered with before, complete loss of libido, I stuck with it till, January this year and then had to have it removed, I am now back to my normal self, I feel so much better. Yes the heavy periods are back and I'm still getting the odd peri symptom, but my anxiety as subsided massively as have my moods, spots gave cleared and my libido is back.
but it does after be your decision, every one is different, but with the Mirena it does seem to not suit a lot of ladies.
best of Luck xx
c66059 Rhino2015
Brevis Rhino2015
Zigangie Brevis
It was the only time in my life I had any kind of period problems heavy spotting in between and it put my partner off sex because it kept stabbing him.
When they took it out after a few months they didn't like the look of it it was all gungy and apparently they shouldn't get like that I only had it in a few months.
Thank you all again,
Loui x