Mirt WD

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i just wanted to post my mirt WD adventure as it may help someone trying to get of mirtazapine. 

I want to add that I tried three times to go off and without this forum I think I would still be on this medication.

the first time I tried I was told to go straight from mirt to Trazadone. I tried this and followed the advice of my doctor. By day seven I was not only not sleeping much but after perhaps an hour I would wake in a panic unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. I went on mirt for insomnia, yet this was far worse. I would wake in a cold sweat, panic and disoriented to where I was.

i thought perhaps it was the trazadone as the doctor said no WD from mirt. So I dropped the trazadone with his advice. 

The second time I tried (at this point I thought I had developed a new mental illness BTW, I thought maybe I was psychotic and it had nothing to do with mirt) 

i tried again and felt ok but about ten days later had the very same thing happen. Early wake and panic and the rest of my day was anxiety. Then I started having terrible stomach pains, vomiting. It was so difficult to even think. I had no idea mirt could have WD, but certainly it wasn't the trazadone ....

i went back on mirt and my symptoms vanished within a day or two. I slept again and my nausea went away. That's when I knew it was the mirt, no matter what any doctor said and by this time I was on doctor number 2.

i started searching the Internet and found this forum.

i found people who so coincidently had the same symptoms going off mirt as I did, so now I wasn't alone anymore.

the people here were very helpful.

CITA was still funded, so I used their chart to reduce and found doctor number 3.

She was willing to concede that maybe mirt had WD. So that was helpful. But mainly it was the people here who helped me step down very very gradually for the mirt.

i went super slow and at the very end of my taper going every other day and then the next week every third day ect....

i did still have trouble with WD. 

I slept maybe 3 hours the first few weeks and did awake with panic but because I was aware this would happen I was prepared.

i think the key is to prepare for WD. I took a benzo for sleep and it cut the panic some. I tried not to be to troubled about not sleeping.

dont let it get to you! It's hard

Have a plan this is important.

Also try and have a WD buddy. Prepare ahead of time with medication should you have nausea. I used both phenergan and Zofran. 

Mirt has a histamine block. So I also used a histamine block to replicate it during WD I believe it helped me.

stay as positive as possible and plan for your WD to coincide with a good time in your schedule. If it's possible to use vacation time, I would advise a light work load. 

Keep a journal. You'll want to look back at your progress.

it won't last forever and you'll feel so much better once you are off the mirtazapine 

good luck to all. 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Well done if you don't mind me asking how long after your last tablet did the wd syptoms take to go away and what dose was the last you were on many thanks x
    • Posted

      Hi Lauren

      At six weeks I was eating and sleeping fairly well.

      You do want to have an arsenal of sorts to treat symptoms

      I had to take anti nausea no way around that for me

      So plan for the worst and expect the best

      Some of the meds that can be helpful with detox from Mirt



      Anti nausea preferably prescription

      Ant acids

      A list of go to foods available

      Plenty of water or liquids don't skimp on water as it helps dilute any toxins

      Positive affirmations

      Guided meditations

      Loved ones who understand or don't understand but are supportive


      Being aware of your negative thought process and not buying into it

      Remember both your mind and body will be confused so be very patient with yourself

      Contact with others in WD

      Be determined don't let Mirt win

      Best of luck to all

  • Posted

    MWAH ...great work supporting others Rose, as ever.  

    C  xx

    • Posted

      Hey calmer

      Won't be long now for you !

      I know you'll be fine with your WD

      But I'm here for you any time !

      Love you calmer ❤️

    • Posted

      Ps...you have helped me so much with your radiance and love and insight
    • Posted

      Yes September 6th is my start date for WD ...  i'll be with you all the way !!

      Love you too hunny xx

    • Posted

      Day after my Grandsons birthday,Calmer so I'm not likely to forget that.

      Why the 6th September?

  • Posted

    Morning Rose. Oh it's so kind of you not to forget us in the UK.

    Even though your almost there,I think are the right words.

                  Luv you💕

    • Posted

      Morning Norma

      You are one of the people I was referring to that helped me and thank God you were here on this site !

      Thank you Norma for being such a great support.

      Love you ! ❤️

    • Posted

      Love you more Rose,I think you helped me Rose as well as a lot of other people who,are now clear from the drug.  BUT listen up ALL this is one WISE LADY when it comes to WD from Mirtazapine.

              Take care.xx

  • Posted

    Thank you Rose for sharing your story, as the majority of the medical profession have absolutely no clue or understanding of the medications that they so easily hand out.  The fact that mirtazapine and amitryptaline (which I also take) are not addictive is not the whole story, as all of us who have tried to stop taking it, know.  These forums offer the very best possible support and whenever someone like you posts their experiences, you undoubtedly save someone from tipping into a pit of despair.  I have already tried 3 times to come off my medication, however, have always been beaten by the WD's especially the feelings of insanity, panic and inability to string any thoughts together.  I am a grandma and just don't have the time to be unwell.  I wish you continued success and happiness on your journey.  ;-)
    • Posted

      Hi Julie

      Did you receive the chart I sent you ?  Just wondered as I havn't heard from you

      Wising you well x

    • Posted

      Hi Julie

      Yes I had all of the above

      Thought I had gone insane but oddly my insanity vanished if I took the drug

      For me it was highly addictive not saying for all

      People can say it was my old depression coming back but I was never psychotic nor was I depressed

      I took Mirt for insomnia and if that was the only thing that returned I'd not be writing this . I'd pretty easily understand that my original problem was back

      Yet, I never had severe stomach issues vomiting and diarreha I lost 30 pounds in short order

      I also never had such panic as to make me want to cry and I did cry

      I couldn't think straight for several months

      Each day has been better

      It takes patience and hanging in there and ignoring the medical community as they have turned their backs on us both in America and UK

      They only care about the money not the humanity and what I am saying right now is bad press

      But since it's true I'll write it

  • Posted

    Thanks for the post. I also tried unsuccessfully two times to withdraw. I did a lot of research on Mirt and actually some doctors know about the problem with it and don't prescribe it any longer. Right now I am off it over 4 weeks and actually it gets better by the day. I read and also experienced that the first 3 -4 weeks are the worst. I tapered about 3 month from 15mg to 3.75 and then stopped.

    Frist week was great, no WD, but then hell opened up. Nausea, anxiety and overall pain kicks in. Nausea is first thing to get better, then anxiety eases a little bid, but insomnia still stays up to now. and absolutely no appetite

    I used a huge arsenal of support fight WD, 5HTP for low serotonin levels, Tryptophan for sleep, and GABA for anxiety. In addition accupunture and massages. Everything helps a little bid.

    • Posted

      Hi George

      Thank you for sharing your wd advice; I'll be taking some notes

      Wishing you well


    • Posted

      I agree georg

      Everything helps and part of it is the gamble of knowing what your body can tolerate

      Can't go wrong with massage or reflexology also Rosen too

      The meds to treat symptoms are trickier

      Be careful to try them out in very small doses at first

      I agree try anything you can to help. Can't hurt.

      thanks for posting

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