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So I started taking Mirtaz for insomnia. It works well for this, even though I ate my fridge. About a month in to taking Mirt I started breaking out around my chin. I have always had good skin and I was doing nothing different. My breakouts started getting really bad and I was getting desperate for answers as to what was causing this new accute adult sudden onset acen. It didn't take long in researching to find that one of the most common complaints in those taking this medication, besides increased appetite, was acne! Well, I started weaning myself off Mirt and am finally off it. Downside, now I wake up in the middle of the night and can't ge back to sleep! My doctor is going to now try Zolpidem, we will see how that works! I will keep you posted.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I've taken zolpidem occasionally but doc wouldn't give me many tablets because it's addictive Also I found it only gave me a few hours good sleep, but then i felt fuzzy and drowsy all the following day. But everyone's different, and I've always had to be careful with tranquillisers. So it might work for you. For instance I've been successfully on mirtazapine for more than 6 years with no increased appetite or skin problems. So as I say, everyone is different.
    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply! I am a bit hesitant about the Zolpidem for the reason that, for some people, it only works for a few hours. I will give it a try and see if it works for me. I work at a clinic and I work closely with my provider so if I need to change medications it isn't a huge inconvenience! [razz]
    • Posted

      Hi pixie

      Are you taking mirtazapine for insomnia and what dose are you taking? I have been taking it for insomnia for about year and when I try to stop my insomnia comes back. Have you ever not taking it in the 6 years you have been taking it


    • Posted

      I took it because I wasn't sleeping but it was associated with depression. I've been on 225mg venlafaxine and 30mg mirtazapine. Recently the psychiatrist suggested I reduce mirtazapine to 15mg alternate nights, but straight away I started waking at 4am and feeling really weird so I've gone back to the 30mg every night and I'm sleeping better. Going to try reducing it one night a week, and take it from there.
  • Posted

    Thanks for the reply! I am a bit hesitant about the Zolpidem for the reason that, for some people, it only works for a few hours. I will give it a try and see if it works for me. I work at a clinic and I work closely with my provider so if I need to change medications it isn't a huge inconvenience! razz
  • Posted

    HI Ben

    Never heard of mirt causing acne,however increased sugar levels may contribute.Mirt also has an affect on hormones...Doctors can now prescribe a melentonin for sleeping, works and is very safe smile

    • Posted

      Well you are right on both counts! Increased sugar me more insulin production which in turn raises cortisol/androgen levels.....result can be sudden on-set acne.  Thanks for the post. By the way, I've been off Mirt for a week and a half and my skin is already clearing up!
    • Posted

      hi Australia, Melatonin is also available OTC at the pharmacy for very cheap...is that basically the same thing as the perscribed melatonin....because I would like to inquire more about melatonin with my Doc,
    • Posted

      Hi Vixxen,

      Yes you can buy liquid Melatonin from natural food shops.The liquid solution sprayed under the toungen has a quicker onset to faciliate sleep. The melatonin prescribe from the doctor is a slow release tablet to facilate and maintain undisturb sleep..both forms of melatonin have its benifits..The melatonin from the doctors is synthetic , however, suprisingly enough, is closer the structure of the melatonin we naturally produce in comparison to the melatonin you purchase from health food shops, which is  likely to contain animal parts and risk, however, natural also can be very safe. Melatonin is a Hormone produced in the pineal gland that activates/secreted at night to promote/regulate sleep...

    • Posted

      Thats great to hear that your skin is clearing!!...and hope its smoot sailing coming off Mirt smile
  • Posted

    Hi, I am also taking it for insomnia, on 30 mg at present. When you reduced did you find 15 mg or even 7.5 mg as effective for sleep? I also have rash on face and numb feet and just can't lose weight. I am nervous about reducing as lack of sleep is impacting on my work life, so stuck in a rut as I don't want to take it anymore due to other side effects.

    post on melatonin below: nhs says only for over 55's and short term max 13 weeks so not a solution

    • Posted

      Reducing Mirt is a fairly simple process if you do it GRADUALLY. I was on 30mg, I then titrated down 15 for a couple weeks and then down to 7.5 for a week. If you do it gradually you will be much more successful, with less side affects. Like I said in my previous comment, my skin is clearing up and I feel better.  

      The trick is to find something else that helps you sleep. Talk to your provider bout alternatives. 

  • Posted

    Careful with Zolpidem which is generic for Ambien. DO NOT DRINK WHILE TAKINGI!! AT ALL!!!! Alone it can cause you to have severe hallucinations as well as driving/going places and doing multiple things, such as buying $180 worth of steaks and eggs, etc.., eat all of it and have no recollection of it. As well as still be hallucinating in the first three- four waking hours!!! It's even worse if you're on some type of pain medicine, muscle relaxant or anti-aniolytic.

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