Mirtazapine 11th day
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Hello, I am looking for some encouragement from fellow mirtazapine users. I know that there are a lot of withdrawal forums but at this point coming off of it is the least of my worries. A little background, I am a 32 female. I suppose I have had anxiety all my life but 3 years ago I had a major episode with health anxiety. long story short I started celexa and in the mean time had multiple tests and all came out good. so after about a month on celexa I was back to myself, or actually better than I was before. fast forward to Feb this year and I had another episode while still on celexa. upped my dose which made it worse then swapped to lexapro. was on lexapro for over 5 weeks and still had no appetite and some sleep issues. psych prescribed mirt. I have been taking it for 11 days now. appetite still has not come back although I can eat a little easier. sleep is okay. but the past 3 days I have become even more depressed. I know with the combo it is probably hard to tell which drug has done what, but I wondered if anyone had worsening depression before getting better. I know they say 6 weeks but the past 3 months have felt like a year and another month of feeling like this seems like forever. sorry if it sounds like I am throwing myself a pity party. i just want to get better like I am sure you all do. I have an appt this Friday coming up but would just like to hear some first hand accounts if possible. thanks in advance.
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suzymac Brandi2010
Hi, if it's any help, it took me at least 3 to 4 weeks to start feeling better. I did feel worse for a least a fortnight, then the depression and anxiety seemed to, not get better, but to be less all consuming, if that makes sense, and I did stop worrying every day about how I was feeling. Appetite wise, the same. Although I then developed an enormous urge to consume carbohydrates. I have never had a particularly sweet tooth, but chocolate and cakes especially became must haves. As reported by other posts on here, weight gain followed. It's tough for you having tried other combinations to know how you are being affected and how long the effects last. I would say stick with it for a couple of months to see what happens. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.
SerotoninSurfer Brandi2010
Hi Brandi, been on Mirtazapine since November so about 6 months and have had trial and error experience of doseages. Anything below 22.5mg is good for anxiety and the lower the dose the more sedating so great for helping with sleep. The 30mg - 45mg doses are for proper depression and side effects are often too activating (speedy sensation) so is not so good for anxiety. It takes a while to find your ideal dose but don't be worried about using a pill cutter as the specific doses of 15, 30, and 45 don't give you much room for experimentation. I'm on 22.5mg now so i take a 15mg and cut another 15mg in half. Starting to make good recovery now but you always feel worse before you get better which can make people give up on the medication before it has had a chance to bed in and help you improve. Good luck!
Thank you both for replying. I forgot to mention my dose in the original post. I only take 7.5 mg. it does help with the sleep. I actually feel tired and ready for bed. the pharmacist had recommended taking the lexapro in the morning and mirt at night so I started doing that when I started the mirt. I do feel somewhat tired during the day, not sure which is to blame, maybe a combo of both. hopefully something will start kicking in soon. I really appreciate your insights!
Ella__80803 Brandi2010
I've had an up-and-down roller-coaster ride with mirtazapine . I had weaned myself off over a two-month. . I had been off completely one day when my dad had a Health crisis . That threw me for a loop after 4 weeks of soldiering through my anxiety I went to my doctor I was on only 7.5 mg is my maximum dose help to sleep and my appetite. we decided on starting at 3.25 at night and so far that is help with sleep. That seems to be a good dose for me for as I am very sensitive to medications. 7.5 makes me feel a little foggy and detached. anxiety is not perfect this dose but I'm managing to handle it this is kind of a strange medication adults that works for one person doesn't work for another or causes other symptoms. Like other people's replies I think you have to just play with the dosage. hopefully you got a doctor that will listen to best of luck
Ella__80803 Brandi2010
this is my second reply to your question. it takes a while for the medication to kick in and I was only ever on 7.5 mg at bedtime. I'm now taking 3.25 mg and that seems to be able to help me stay asleep for. I'm now taking 3.25 mg and that seems to be able to help me stay asleep for a good 6 to 7 hours without waking up appetite is also much better. For myself I'm going to try staying on the 3.25 mg at bedtime. like I said my last post I think it's it's okay to start of a low dose but give it a couple of weeks to see how you feel on that dose. Then talk to your doctor about increasing if necessary. best of luck
Brandi2010 Ella__80803
Thank you for the reply. I am going to give it more time. I think I am sensitive to meds and all of this is so hard. sometimes I just want to give up and get off them but deep down I know I need something to help... at least for a little while to get me out of this rut. right now all I do is ruminate all day long. I force myself to do things but it is very difficult. I have no motivation whatsoever. thank you all again. I will make it through this.
SerotoninSurfer Brandi2010
Hi Brandi. i totally empathise with you. I've been stick in that "intrusive thought mode". Days after days of illogical negative thinking as if you're brain is broken and you can't think of anything. You can read all the self help books, practice CBT, practice mindfulness, meditation etc and nothing seems to break the cycle until the medication finally kicks in. I know that it is stated over and over again but i firmly believe that exercise is brilliant for distraction. I go for a dog walk and just try and focus on the nature around me through my senses but what really helps is a good run. You can't really focus on anything other than putting one foot in front of the other and really helps empty the mind of negative thoughts.
Brandi2010 SerotoninSurfer
that is exactly how I feel. I have tried reading self help books, going to therapy, meditation and deep breathing exercises but nothing seems to give. I pray this medicine works for me. I am at my wits end. the past few days have been nothing but crying on and off. I just don't know what to do anymore. thank you for replying l, it means a lot to get support on here. my husband and close family are supportive but I know they cannot understand how this feels inside. it's like I am in a constant battle with myself even though I try not to be.