Mirtazapine 30mg!

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Well that's a week of doing alternate 15 mg and 30 mg!!.. Been upn down wi drowsy ness foggy head .. Think I might do 30 mg for a week starting tonight and hope that the sedative effect stops.. Lots of people saying that 30 mg does this. And helps better with their depression. I do hope so. Fingers xx

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Good luck Cathy! I'm moving from 22.5 to 30 tonight so we can compare notes!
    • Posted

      Thanks simone..yes we can compare..what u been like on 22.5 you've not been on it long have u? X
    • Posted

      3 weeks on 15, and about 10 days on 22.5. My mood improved initially but my sleep deteriorated. I think I was taking it too late at night so I'm now to taking it 1 1/2 hours before bed after getting advice on here. I've been weaning myself off amitriptyline at the same time so I'm never sure what is a mirt side effect or an amitriptyline discontinuation symptom. I'm now down to 5mg of amitriptyline. I was on 100 mg 6 weeks ago so it's been a bit of a rollercoaster but not too bad. My mood has dropped again in the last couple of days so I've decided i need to try 30 mg of mirtazapine as recommended by my gp.
    • Posted

      I was on venlafaxine which I had been on 4 years no problems then got really stressed before Xmas ..bam. Back it came.. So am of that and onto mirt.. 2 weeks on 15mg then this has been my third week doing alternately with 30 mg..doc Thot I should go to 30 anyway to get better AD effect so I'm gonna try 30mg see how it goes..see doc in 2 weeks again..I am still working and really don't like this drowsy foggy eyed feeling.X
    • Posted

      I heard that venlafaxine is really hard to come off because of it's very short half life. How did you cope with that? I certainly slept well last night. How about you? Hopefully the drowsiness and foggy head will disappear in a few weeks. Compared to how I felt when I tried a couple of ssri's years ago (absolutely hellish!) I'm finding the mirtazapine side effects quite tolerable. Not happy about putting on 8 lbs in 4 weeks though!
    • Posted

      Hi Simone. Well still feeling lightheaded but suppose it's early days having started 30 mg. There are things with me are better but I still hav no enthusiasm for much at all. How's u??x
    • Posted

      Hi Cathy,

      I'm glad that some things are better for you. Hopefully you'll have some more improvement soon. I'm finding things a bit of a struggle at the moment due to family stress but I'm trying to stay positive. I know things will get better in time. They always do! Hope you have a good night's sleep and a good day tomorrow x

    • Posted

      Hi Simone. How's things with u. Do you find your eyes weaker in the sun.. maybe just me. Still feeling much same. ...but no worse!smile
    • Posted

      Hi Cathy, I'm feeiling a lot better today thanks. Definitely feel less agitated and my mood is better. This happened after a few days of 15, and again with the 22.5 and only lasted a week so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much. I've not really noticed anything with with the sun in particular but i think my eyesight is slightly blurry. 
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      Yes, since Saturday. I'm going to give it 4 weeks then reassess. I'm hoping to feel much better by then!
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      Yes I see doc a week on Friday that will be 2 weeks on 30 mg and 1 week alternate .I am hoping to being better too. Just feeling more upbeat or wee bit enthusiastic about things would help ay??
    • Posted

      I know. I'm not very patient. I want to feel better now! However it did take the best part of two years for me to feel like this so I can'to expect to feel better overnight. We will get there though! Have a good day cathy. We're going to see paloma faith tonight so I'm looking forward to that! x
    • Posted

      Hi Simone. Just checking to c how u doing. Last 2 days been very drowsy. This morning tho I hav slept still feel tired and wee bit yuk in stomach. Going out tonight first time been in big company for ages. How did concert go?
    • Posted

      Hi Cathy,

      concert was great thanks! I'm not too bad but it still takes me forever to get to sleep which I hate. I don't feel drowsy luckily and the agitation has gone. Had another couple of stressful family days but things have calmed down again. I did a yoga dvd workout this afternoon which felt great. I really hope your drowsiness wears off soon and have a great evening.

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