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does mirtazapine work for anxiety??

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3 Replies

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    For me it has worked a little bit for anxiety but not much, but has been a Godsend for sleeping. I have been told that there are better antidepressants for anxiety, but I have tried others and I don't tolerate them. It's trial and error.

    • Edited

      yes i was on sertraline but it just has stopped working for me and just having bad side effects on higher dose. The dr. wants me to try mirtazapine. if may ask what dose are you on and does it make you tired all next day??

    • Posted

      I'm on a very low dose 15mg. Low doses apparently are best for helping to sleep. I take it at night. The first day after taking in I was in bed all day, exhausted. Second day, still very tired but better, third day much much better and after that I was fine. Not tired next day at all. Let me correct that, not more tired that my usual self 😉

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