Mirtazapine and Clonazepam
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I had a severe bout of Vertigo in July and with that came extreme anxiety which was ot dealt with. The vertigo is gone but I still have the extreme anxiety and not sleeping. Tried Ativan and did not work so ended up on Clonazepam. Was tried on different SSRI but cannot tolerate them so they put me on Remeron 15mg for 3 weeks and then increased to 22.5 as was feeling hopeless. This helped with the sleeping and hopeleness but we still cannot get the anxiety under control. I take .75mg clonazepam in am and .5mg in afternoon if needed and then .75 or .5 in evening with Remeron. My anxiety is a tightness in chest. Anyone else using a combo for anxiety and how is it working for them? I have started to go back to the gym and walking the day everyday but still the anziety persists. It is not as bad as when if first started but still there.
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oldboy kathy50523
I take Sertraline (an SSRI) for anxiety plus 7.5mg mirt for sleep. That works well for me other than the fact I need about 11 hours sleep a night. A combination of mirt with an SSRI or SNRI has a good reputation as one tends to counter the side effects of the other.
kathy50523 oldboy
Jean1968 kathy50523
Hope this helps X
kathy50523 Jean1968
abbaselahi1 kathy50523
Hi Everyone, Hope that you are doing well. I just want some expert opinion about remeron and clonezapam. I was using clonezapam previously for almost 2 years and was taking it 2,3 times a week mostly on weekends with 1mg dosage.(the medicine didn't give me more than 6 hours of sleep) I was fine at that time and quite satisfied because at least 2 or 3 times in a week i have my natural sleep.
But from last sixth months i am very upset regarding my sleep pattern. My natutral sleep was gone and even clonzepam is not working( As it was working before). I consulted one doctor, initially he given me seroquel i tried it for almost 1 month but it was also not worth it.. Then he shifted me to Remmeron 15 mg one dose at night time, with an SSRI (Xeroxat, i didn't used it because only two days of usage starts giving me side effects). But i continued to use Remmeron.
Remmeron is quite better but when i take it my body getting jerks from time to time like for every after 15 minutes i got jerk(my wife really afraid of me these days ).Some days in a week (mostly on weekends) i got some uninterrputed sleep for 5,6 hours. but some days i won't(May be 2,3 hours of sleep). My job is badly effected. In the lunch break i take a nap of 1 hour just to make sure that my rest of day goes well. I am thinking of taking clonezepam 1mg with remmeron 15mg before bed just to give it a shot. Please guide me should i do it? or any other option. I don't want to take SSRI as the have adverse side effects( for me Sexual Dysfunctino is more often). Any single word of help will be appreciated. Thanks