Mirtazapine can mask thyroid problems

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Mirtazapine appeared to 'poop out' on me around 3 years into my therapy with it. I had been diagnosed with severe depression before going on it I scored almost the maximum on the test. My symptoms were nervousness, jumpiness, anxiety, severe depression, insomnia, anorexia, weight loss, itching, migraine, heart palpitations and IBS. The GP tried me on several antidepressants, none of which worked until I tried mirtazapine and it was just amazing. I felt better within days. All of my symptoms disappeared. It was a miracle drug which gave me my life back. Then when it suddenly pooped out my symptoms all came back and I was also diagnosed with chronic kidney disease stage 3. I decided to come off it and tapered off really gradually with very few WD symptoms. I had a period of feeling good again and then wham! All my symptoms returned. I thought I had delayed WD but something in me told me it was a physical illness.

​Long story short, we have a new GP and he's sharp as a pin. Did many tests on me and I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. My sympptoms have become gradually worse and I am pretty ill right now, especially with heart related symptoms. I have been put on carbimazole and propranolol.

​The purpose of this post is to urge all of you with depressionto get your thyroid checked. It can be very dangerous if it is left untreated and is very often misdiagnosed as depression because it shares most of the same symptoms. Both under and overactive thyroid cause depression. Drugs such as mirtazapine can mask the symptoms. I reckon mirt masked my hyperthyroidism until it became so severe that it just couldn't mask it anymore. That's why it appeared to poop out after working so well for so long.

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11 Replies

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    Missed a major symptom out (probably the worst): the most terrible debilitating fatigue.
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    Aww evergreen

    I always love your posts! You are so right, I got my thyroid test done a couple of weeks ago. All clear, but i too had read that thyroid symptoms mimic depressive symptoms. Your message is really important and i hope others will take your advice. How are things for you now? Will treatment for your thyroid sort out your current ill health?

    Really hope so ♥

    God bless xx

  • Posted

    Oh wow after all this time you finally find out what the cause is.  I have had ny Throid checked and it came back normal but then again they only do the THS I thnk its called and if that shows normal they donot do the T3 or T4 qhich is what my doctor said.  I do not understand since they are testing why not all?  Hope you get better soon!  You are in my thoughts.
  • Posted

    Hi lorraine and Kathy,

    ​Yes I think the thyroid tests leave a lot to be desired. If you get diagnosed with hypothyroidism (the opposite to what I have) you get free prescriptions for life. So that's a big cost to the NHS. Not much of an incentive to diagnose borderline cases.

    ​I'm not doing too well right now. My heart has been beating so fast and I've been having angina so the doc put me on beta blockers. The forst lot knoocked me for six and had me vomiting. So the doc changed them to another med and I had severe breathing difficulties and no sleep so I'm not on any at present. But have increased dose of anti thyroid drugs to try to speed up getting the thyroid under control. It's so hard having even less sleep than ever and feeling like I have the flu and still having to get up early and see to the horses. The bird scarers are starting every morning at 5.30 and they are so close to the house it's like a load of explosions. Impossible to sleep and stress is sky high! If they wake me again tomorrow I'm going to try complaining.

    The only good thing about my condition is that I'm nice and skinny now!

    • Posted

      Lol evergreen! Trust you to make me smile even when your feeling unwell. I giggled to the 'skinny' part plus imaging you having a go at the bird scarers! So sorry you are going through a rotten time of things. Once your thyroid is under control hopefully you will start feeling a lot better. Your first beater blockers sound horrendous, glad your doc changed them.

      I'm hoping to come off mirt again, but waiting for psychiatrist appointment next week, just on the off chance they can come up with an alternative med. I will be looking up your fantastic tapering thread at that point.

      I really wish you better, and hope the bird scarers over sleep so you get a nice rest!

      God bless ♥

    • Posted

      Thanks, Lorraine. Good luck with your psychiatrist tomorrow. I hope they sort you out with something. It's such a minefield.
  • Posted

    I finally got my doctor to refer me to an endocrinologist which I have been trying to get her to do for the last 9 months.  Last visit I went in I wore clothes that actually fit me which is a size small now since lossing 50 pounds and I think she finally took note and said she was sending off a letter whether they will see me is another story.  Here is Canada we need referrals to specialists and sometimes it takes a while to get into to see someone.  I am waiting on my new PDoc May 30 which will have been a wait of 3 months.  I sure hope I can handle this fatgue until then.  I am sad to hear the beta blockers made you sick but have heard they are ot for everyone.  I am still on the 15mg of Mirt and holding until I see the new PDoc.   I just feel like my body has been thru so much these last 9 months one more month on Mirt can't be that bad and hopefully she will have some answers for me.  I do not know how you can do such physical labour being so fatigued.    When you went on Mirt you really did need it right.  How long were you on irt and how log to get off.  I am as you know hoping that since I have been on only 3 months it will not be that tough but everyone and every body is different.  You are in my prays and feel better soon cow girl!
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      Hi Kathy, I'm glad you are hopefully getting further checks of your thyroid. My symptoms were depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, weight loss, heart palpitations, itching, nausea and a few other things. The mirt did a good job of bringing these things under control and so probably delayed my diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. I have been at the surgery this morning with chest pains and breathlessness. They were very efficient and gave me immediate ecg and doctor was with me immediately. I also had two blood tests, one for blood clots which was negative, and the other one for heart enzymes which I will get the results of today. The pain hit me whilst sorting the horses this morning. Hopefully just indigestion or referred pain from my shoulder but doc told me that I was to attend if I had any chest pains or other heart related symptoms because hyperthyroidism can cause this. Fed up with it all now. Can't wait for the anti thyroid drugs to start getting it under control. I've never been so nervy and jumpy. It makes me wonder how many people diagnosed with anxiety or depression may have a thyroid problem. I hope you get an answer soon. Take care x
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      Forfot to say, I was on mirt for four years and it took me four months to get off it. So a month for every year I was on it.
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    I have been diagnose of hyperthyroid last week and am placed on Carbimazole and Propranolol. Those this means is time to get of Mirt? Please anybody advice

  • Posted

    I am so sorry you are not so well.

    i have followed your posts over time and always helpful.

    i am also on mirtazapine and feel like its just not doing its job.  My gp,did ordinary bloods but i would like T3 ans T4 done as i think thyroid could be causing a lot of my distress.

    i know she will say not necessary, how do,imget her to take this seriously i wonder.

    sending tou wishes tomfeel better

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